Hi y’all! Pretty low stakes scenario, but I don’t really have anyone to talk to about it.

Several days ago after a class, I (M24) asked a girl (F20) if she would want to grab a coffee with me sometime, and she said yes pretty quickly but didn’t know when she would be free. I told her no worries, and to hit me up when she knew (She already had my number FYI). So, ball’s in her court.

Several days have passed and she hasn’t reached out. I feel like either she didn’t really want to go out for a coffee in the first place, or maybe she feels weird about being the first to reach out.

So do I risk being pushy and text her? Or do I sit tight and wait to hear from her?

(Btw I wouldn’t be seeing her in class again for a couple weeks)

  1. So it sounds like to me this is a situation where you slowly built at least a little bit of attraction as you said she already had your number and she did not say no when you asked her out which are all good signs. BUT as a rule women (really people) know what their schedule will be 1-2 weeks out and them saying not even a general idea of when its going to happen is a sign of noninterest.

    Like think about it this way: if she had asked you out and lets say you are doing work from 9-5, doing school work on top of that, and maybe some type of community work, would you honestly not be able to find at least a timescale for her to go out on that date (“yea I’m super busy this week but I can look at next week probably Friday”).

  2. You gotta know your prey. Some girls are aggressive, some are not. If she is the passive type then you have to invite her out for coffee. I wouldn’t wait 2 weeks. When you have time in the day call her up and give her the location and time to meet up.

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