My (21F) boyfriend (25M) and I have been together for a year and a half. Overall, we have an excellent relationship; easygoing, good sex life, etc. We have our arguments occasionally but they get resolved quickly and we move on.

For some context, he recently bought a house. He moves in tomorrow. I am supposed to be moving in with him into town soon.

He grew up in the city, I grew up in the country. I ride and train horses, and I’m either going to become an accountant or train horses for a living, I’m not sure yet. I want to work in an office before I decide.

This recently changed:

He dropped a big bombshell on me by revealing he wouldn’t want to live out in the country for another 10 years… and he doesn’t even sound sure about that. He says we will figure it out but… He wants to live on pavement, less than 5 minutes from town.

Now, we live in a rural city so it is doable, but now I am facing a really difficult decision.

Do I wait 10+ years for him to decide, possibly throwing out the relationship then, or make us decide now?

I can’t predict how we’ll feel in ten years. I also can’t predict my career. If I decide to do accounting, I know I could happily keep my horses at a boarding stable in town. Even if I lived in town.

If I want to train horses, I don’t think it’s feasible to have 4-8 at any given time being boarded (At roughly $350 each per month). I know I could do it for a while…. but forever?

I would be okay with living in the suburbs or 5 mins out of town, if I could have my horses with me. I don’t necessarily need to live an hour out in the boonies. But he counters that with, but you need deep pockets for that. I know we could do it. We both make 200,000 annually each.

I don’t know if I would be okay with living in town. I haven’t tried it. And I won’t know what I want from my career for another year.

I do love him, and I want to make this work. He’s the first guy I could see myself having kids with, and we have a great relationship.

I guess I’m looking for advice, or similar experiences. I’m not sure if I give it a little bit of time before re-discussing.

TL;DR: Boyfriend doesn’t seem keen on the country. I am not keen on the city. But I am young so maybe my reasons are off.

  1. Nope sounds like you envision completely different lives for yourselves and are completely incompatible.

  2. Out of curiosity, what do you do for a living that you’re making 200k/yr at 21?

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