Recently i (16M) found out that my girlfriend (F17) for 7months had being texting a friend about our relationship issues. She explained to him how I’ve been feeling jealous towards her for being able to hangout with her friends without being anxious. This is a problem I’ve been having and I’m trying to get help for. She said some things that were pretty hurtful behind my back. Like saying I won’t get better. I feel bad because I found out by looking at her messages and it was kind of an invasion of privacy. But we do look at each others phones pretty regularly. I didn’t want to tell her because of this. I feel betrayed now. I alluded to wether she had told anyone about my issues, and she said she had, except it was a different person, and she said she was very vague about what she said, Which was not true at all. I also found out she had been showing people videos of me singing. I’ve told her I’m self conscious about it. I’m not sure why she is keeping all these secrets from me, as we are quite close, and I thought we told each other everything. I just want to know if it’s valid that i’m feeling betrayed by this. Im not sure if I’m being toxic or not. Thank you.

Girlfriend talking to friend about my issues regarding jealousy, trying to keep it a secret from me and being hurtful behind my back.

  1. People are allowed to talk to their friends about relationship issues. You’re here talking about yours after all, what’s the difference?

    Also if you want to be a singer and have people hear your voice, feedback and criticism is something you’re going to have to get used to

  2. she talks sh*t about you to her friends, tells about private matters you’ve told to her in public and shows the embarrassing videos of you. she doesn’t truly like you she thinks you’re cute in a pet like way, think about how she treats you and it’ll make sense. she doesn’t actually care about your feelings.

    a decent person won’t tell anything that they talk about to anyone else. and no, you don’t specifically need to tell someone to keep something secret, the tone and context of the conversation will do that.

    i think your gf’s actions are really disgusting. if you have any respect for yourself get out of the relationship.

    this post reminds me of a girl recording a guy talking and crying to her about his dad’s suicide attempt(that no one else knew about) and releasing it on facebook.

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