Everytime i masturbate i just feel a loser and sad with myself. I can go 3-4days without masturbating but then i masturbate again.
Its only when im going to the bed to sleep.

  1. You are thinking about it wrong….

    It’s completely natural and normal to masturbate, your body wants you to do it to keep everything in working order.

    Women and men in relationships still do it. You are not a loser for doing it you’re just satisfying a bodily need.

  2. Have you explored why you feel this way? As long as you’re not hurting anyone else with it, giving yourself a helping hand from time to time can be beneficial for your health and well-being. On Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, sex is on the same tier as physiological needs like food, water, and shelter. No one has access to partner-involved sex 100% of the time, so almost everyone you will ever meet has engaged in some form of self-play. You are by no means “a loser” for providing your body what it needs.

  3. While there is nothing wrong with masturbating, I do it, lots of people do it, however it’s important to have a healthy relationship with it. Why do you think you feel this way?

  4. I think you just have to accept that you’ll masturbate. I can’t imagine living like without it. That would be hell

  5. I think you should explore why you have such a negative association with masturbation. Is it from a religious upbringing?

    There is nothing wrong with masturbating. It’s normal, and healthy. You crave it before bed because there’s a dopamine release that can help you settle down for sleep.

  6. I get similar feelings after masturbation sometimes. I’ll feel super horny while I’m doing it, but once I’m done I feel kinda gross and guilty, like “I can’t believe I just did that, eww” feeling. But then in 6 or 7 hours, I’ll want to do it again. The guilty feeling should pass friend. Don’t resist the urge. Just give in and deal with the temporary bad feelings. Or, if you really want to stop it for real, there are prescription drugs you can take that suppress testosterone levels and lower sex drive, but then you won’t be able to have sex either when the time comes

  7. Is it the act of masturbation itself that’s the issue or do you watch some kind of porn you’re ashamed of etc

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