How would you describe your wife/girlfriend?

  1. An idiot! She could do so much better. But she doesn’t seem to agree, and for that, I am grateful and humbled.

  2. Smart, bubbly, kind, warm, loving, beautiful, chill.

    She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.

  3. Shy around groups but crazy when alone, fun and willing to go anywhere and do anything, a little obnoxious at times but overall an awesome person

  4. My wife is amazing. Really. She’s a great wife and the best mother. She has her faults, but she has so few compared to me I’d be a dick to even mention them.

  5. My girlfriend is perfect in every way. Every guy would say this about the woman they love, but I absolutely mean it.

    She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my entire life. As in, not only is she drop-dead gorgeous and built perfectly, but she is also an absolutely amazing person.

    She has the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen on a woman and seeing her happy brings genuine happiness to my heart. She gets so energentic sometimes over the simple things in life and it really makes my day seeing her get so excited because I could be a really mellow person at times and she just balances me out so well.

    She is by far the most caring woman I have ever met in my life. Even if she’s battling her own demons, she makes time to make sure I’m okay and checks up on me. And if things aren’t okay she sticks it out with me and supports me endlessly.

    She’s one of the few people in my life who genuinely cares about my mental health and well-being and gets concerned when things don’t feel right. She reads me like a book. If I’m stressed at work? She knows without me even telling her. Things are rough at home on my end? She knows without me even telling her. I’m feeling flustered, overwhelmed and need someone to talk to? She not only knows with me me even telling her, but she also listens and hears me out. She brings me back to earth when I feel lost and alone, and she comforts me like nobody else has comforted me in my entire life. She makes me feel safe and makes me feel like for the first time in my life, I can genuinely and truly trust someone entirely with who I am as a person. She feels like home to me. She the definition of comfort and cozy to me. The whole world could be on fire, and I know at the end of the day when I talk to her it’s all going to be alright, because she just makes everything better and she makes my worries and anxieties melt away.

    We both had rough upbringings, it’s one of the things we relate to eachother on. And her upbringing has made her one of the most empathetic people I have ever met. It’s so easy for me to talk to her because she just gets me. I can be myself around her. When things are good she makes them great by understanding where I’m coming from, and when things aren’t good she makes them better by being there for me and reassuring me.

    She’s extremely supportive in everything I want to do with my life, and she really does bring the best out of me. She recognizes that my currently career is unnecessarily stressful and encourages me to pursue other things I’m much more passionate about and capable of, reassuring me that it’s okay to take a break and to reevaluate my life choices. Not only that but she supports me endlessly when it comes to pursuing what I want to pursue. If I want her opinion on something, I know for a fact that she’s going to tell me how it is, she isn’t going to sugar coat it because she wants what’s best for me and that’s something I appreciate so much because so many people these days dance around trying to be politically correct, but she tells me how it is and the conversations I have with her are so productive it’s absolutely amazing. She brings out the best in me in literally every aspect of my life. After I met her, I really feel like I’ve leveled up my life overall. And I’m so thankful to have a girlfriend like her.

    But most of all. She has an amazing value and moral structure / internal compass. We’ve had the tough conversations about what we want for the future, kids, our political views, our views on the current state of society and what it’ll look like in the future, our goals and ambitions, our views on religion and how we’ll practice religion in the future. We share a lot of the same core values and views and we are on the same page for what we want in the future. Do we have disagreements? Yes, which couple doesn’t. But the foundation upon which our relationship is built on is our values and morals, and those are so strongly intertwined I’m pretty sure nothing will break us or shake us. She’s one of the few people in my life where I know if something’s bothering me, I can tell her right away instead of letting it fester and build up and boil over. We both have healthy ways of letting eachother know if something doesn’t sit well with either of us and we deal with our disagreements or conflicting views on things in healthy ways. We make it an unspoken our relationship to never hurt each others feelings and to have constructive ways of getting over the speed bumps we face as a couple. And that in and of itself is such a beautiful thing. Coming from a dysfunctional family myself, it’s more than refreshing to experience good conflict resolution in a relationship. It’s one of the many reasons I know my relationship with her will work. We communicate very well with eachother.

    She’s the only person in my life who I love so deeply that trying to express it in words or to vocalize it leaves me in tears because the emotions run so deep between me and her it’s hard to even explain. I love her with my entire being, she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman and more. She helps me grow in ways I didn’t even think were possible. And she completes me. I didn’t believe in love before I met, I think social media does a pretty good job telling people love doesn’t exist in the world. I used to think I’d just either end up alone or with someone I truly didn’t want to spend my life and eventually divorced and miserable with because “that’s what you’re supposed to do”. But after I met her? I’ve had such a fundemental mindshift change, I look at what I used to think and laugh because I was so disillusioned.

    I want to get married to her one day, I want to start a family with her and share my life with her. I want to go through life’s ups and downs with her and I want to support her as much as she supports me. She keeps me going even when I don’t feel like there’s a path forward. It’s hard to see a life where she isn’t in the picture, and I know for a fact that I’ve met the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

    She’s perfect in every single way. I don’t know what I did to deserve such an amazing woman in my life, but I’m thankful to have her in my life, and I’m never letting her go. I know what I have with her, and what we have is perfect.

    Tldr: I love my girlfriend. She’s perfect in every way possible and she’s the best thing to have ever happened to me.

  6. Her very flaws are her most unique traits and thats what made me love her so much. She is the sweetest, prettiest and smartest person i’ve met

  7. She’s the sunlight to my cloudy days, the rainbow to my overcast skies, the roaring fire to my cold winter. She doesn’t see it, though.

  8. Smartest person I know. Very kind, empathetic, caring, giving, funny. She makes me want to be better and helps me to improve every day. The love of my life.

  9. She’s amazing. Smart, funny, far and away better with social situations than I’ll ever be. Sees things from angles I hadn’t even considered sometimes. Artistic, and I can’t even draw realistic stick figures. She constantly amazes me.

    Neither of us is perfect, and we butt heads from time to time, but I know without any hesitation that I’m a better man for having her in my life.

  10. She’s as loving/caring & genuinely worries about my well-being+my future as she is extremely gorgeous/sexy

    Makes me feel loved, very direct honest with me if I did something she disliked & gives me a chance to explain myself or how I viewed my action

    Super driven individual with plans/life goals outside of our relationship such as career stuff that she’s actively working towards & it makes me feel financially safe picturing us living together

    We agree on everything regarding marriage preferences as well as even talks of kids etc

    She’s very confident but more emotionally sensitive/receptive than I would think she is if I passed her in the street as strangers

    Hearing her worry makes me want to rush to hug her & tell her everything is okay

    My humor isn’t lost on her at all unless I make a super vaguely distant pop culture reference which is on me

    We have different interests too like she’s into astrology but I’m into comics or gaming but despite our differences we gladly share our interests with each other bc we know it makes the other person happy to hear about it

    I really think I would like to spend the next several decades with her

  11. Loyal, Caring, Tolerant, Big Hearted and Easy Going.

    She does not realize just how special she is.

    I hit the jackpot, a lucky guy.

  12. Been married since I was 22, it’s been almost 3 years and she hasn’t changed at all. Still the same goofy, extra high energy but always tired girl with an ungodly love for Halloween and fall and equally ridiculous hate for the cold.

  13. Bad influence but I love it. Agrees to do all sorts of childish things with me and if I’m hesitant she’ll tell me all the reasons I should (e.g our second date was an impulse drive to another city just to go to the Lego store there to make our own minifigures, also many times she’s persuaded me to just stay in bed all day to keep warm). Very encouraging with everything

  14. Long hair, big brown eyes, likes to cuddle, my little spoon (sometimes a jetpack).
    She likes to lick me, and we always find together time each morning for lovin’s before breakfast, I cannot resist her, she is perfection.
    She hogs the bed almost every night, but it’s ok, because she’s also my ride or die homie and goes with me everywhere, so I don’t mind.
    Every time we have to be apart, she always let’s me know she missed me when we get together. Every. Single. Time. I honestly love it.
    She loves food, a super-foodie, but I don’t share her preferences. We still eat together every night, and she always wants some of what I’m eating.
    The best part is she’ll allow me to take on other lovers, even helping me break the ice with strangers, everyone seems to really like her, and they know I take amazing care of her.
    I highly recommend getting yourself a puppy.

  15. Quirky, but in a cute fun way.

    She picks her food apart and shimmies in the chair like a kid when she eats, runs from bugs like her life is actually in danger, will randomly sing into any cylindrical object like it’s a microphone and she squeals like a tea kettle when she finds something funny, which is often. And the weirdest thing, she considers office supplies as a legitimate gift and is genuinely happy to receive them, especially pens.
    She also clings to me like a baby sloth and is my personal heating pad.

  16. Shes the ink that makes a piece of paper into a hundred dollar bill. I aint shit without my rib. She comes first. Everything else is second. She’s the focus to my creativity. The balance to my imbalances.

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