Hi guys, sorry if this isn’t the right place. Throwaway bc my brother uses reddit.

I (21f) my brother (20m) and our mom (48F) all live in a 2-bathroom house. Usually my brother and I share one bathroom and our mom uses the one on the other side of the house.

Brother uses diapers in what I assume is a kink way (AFAIK he has no medical issues). Our mom found his pack of diapers while looking for something in his closet and neither of us wanted to say anything to him so not sure if he knows that we know. I don’t want to think about his sex or J/O life so not my problem.

The other day I getting ready to take a shower when I smelled poo in the closet where we keep the towels. I wasn’t about to look through anything so I closed the closet and ignored it. However when i started running the tub I noticed the hair trap in the drain was clogged and when i pulled it out it smelled so strongly of poo.

I told our mom and went to use her bathroom to shower. However she doesn’t like me using her shower (I have long hair and it clogs the drain usually 😅) so I’d rather not use her bathroom longer than I need to.

So how tf am i supposed to ask my brother what the deal is with the poo smell/drain issue??? I don’t want to bring it up but this is seriously an issue.

  1. OK confession time… sometimes when I poo and it’s one of those really messy ones where you can use 2 whole rolls of toilet paper and it’s STILL not clean.. almost like there’s a brown crayon up your butthole?

    Well I hang my ass over the side of the bathtub and use the shower head to just wash my butt. It’s just frigging easier. I used to take an entire shower, but eventually I figured.. why?

    So… maybe that’s all it is? If so he needs to run the damn water for longer after he’s done to just kinda wash it all away and clean the tub/drain. And yes I clean the tub with cleaning product after I’m done, I’m not a fucking animal.

    If it’s related to the diaper thing, I honestly don’t know what he’s doing, not familiar with the kink.

  2. Yeah… Probably needs to have an intervention… What he does with himself is his thing… But since it’s impacting others,needs to be addressed.

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