What is the most spiteful thing an ex has done to you?

  1. I had an ex put an add on Craigslist for M4M (back when that was still a thing) with my phone number and an intimate picture I sent her years before. Needless to say I got a few dick pics before I shut it down

  2. When I was deployed to South Korea, my GF wanted me to bring her over to see BTS live. I got tickets to the place and a plane ticket and everything was good to go.

    Sadly, plans fell through because her flight got canceled and she blamed me for it. What did she do?

    She cheated on me, filmed the sex tape, and sent it to me to break up with me.

    Well damn, [that’s life.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnlPtaPxXfc)

  3. Cleared out the whole place furniture and all. All my stuff of course nothing was hers only left me a pile of clothes on the floor. All over spending a weekend with my boys.

  4. Showed up to my apartment drunk while I wasn’t home (my roommate was) to use my bathroom and ended up hiding my sneaker in the freezer

  5. Accuse me of sexually abusing our eldest child, accusing me of kidnapping our eldest, tried to stop me going to university after our divorce by suing me over going to university. The list is nearly endless when you upset someone with severe Borderline Personality Disorder.

  6. Ya know sometimes i wonder what life could be like if I wasn’t gay. I’m good on all that. My heart goes out to you all that was some sad stuff to read.

  7. Tried to accuse me of domestic violence on Facebook, but luckily we had the same friend group and no one believed her. Especially after all the shit she did to me.

  8. Falsely accused me of SA’ing her underage sister. Got her family in on it and used it to try and ruin me.

    It destroyed my social life, but I owned my own business so they couldn’t get me fired. It was dirty and cruel, and I fought tooth and nail to save my freedom and reputation. Ultimately the charges were dropped, but I lost all my friends in the process.

    She is a low quality person who deserves all the misery she carries with her. If I never see her again it would be too soon.

  9. make up a bunch of lies about me and make all my friends hate me because i broke up with her. we’re literally teenagers we were dating for a month and we didnt even kiss or anything and apparently i broke her heart.

  10. After having a discussion about me not wanting children, she decided to stop taking the pill for about two months and then i found out. Luckily nothing ever happened from it. But now i have so many trust issues when it comes to relationships and stuff!

  11. Attempted to bankrupt me through an expensive divorce. Said that I gave her an std which was untrue. Took the house which I paid for. She comes from a rich family and I started with no money. Basically had to start from nothing again at the age of 35. Karma kind of caught up to her. 20 plus years later she has never had a meaningful relationship. She is still rich though. I have been married to a great person for 19 years.

  12. Cheated, then, rather than tell people her cheating was the reason for the breakup, told everyone I was abusive and lapped up all the pity.

  13. Pro-tip: you can avoid these things by not dating toxic people.

    None of my exes have ever done anything spiteful.

  14. Wow after reading through comments mines pretty tame but either way here we go

    She cut all the blinds down the middle, put my toothbrush in the toilet, left dog shit all over the carpet, tried to rip off my license plates, and left the door wide open on our shitty apartment in the ghetto. I know she did more but I can’t remember now it’s been like 7 years

  15. After knowing how long and hard my mom’s battle with cancer was… and her eventual defeat… only to have her say she was happy that my mom died. Pain train. Fuck that ho and fuck cancer

  16. Stalked and sent me death threats for months then try to randomly add me on venmo

  17. Invited my new girlfriend to her apartment with 2 guys there and basically suggested she could fuck one of them if she wanted to cheat on me

  18. While dating me told my best friend she had feelings for him and not to tell me. Obviously he told me.

  19. I am might have a contender to win this category. I hadn’t dated her for very long, she was incredibly clingy. But the sex was absolutely outstanding. And frequent. It was great. So after a bit, I realize it’s just not anything that’s going to go anywhere and I break it off with her. About a week later happens to be Valentine’s Day and there’s a knock at the door, I open it and there’s a bunch of sheriff deputies standing on my porch. They grab me pull me out of the house handcuffed me throw me in the back of the squad car and drive me down to the hospital. And then they interrogate the hell out of me, saying that they were told I was a mentally unstable veteran with guns that fantasize about going out and killing people. The whole episode caused a bunch of problems for me. But I came back to her. When I didn’t want to have anything to do with her, she went to the campus police, and made up a story about what a dangerous abusive asshole I was. It’s a horrible accusation, there’s almost no way to defend yourself against it.

  20. I used to always want to have a child named Alice. I would tell him about it often and would write down Alice with his last name. He broke up with me got with someone else then got pregnant. They named the baby Alice. He must have remembered . I always talked about it because my grandmothers name was Alice and he even met my grandma multiple times. So it was a slap in the face. Maybe out of spite.

  21. I can never fully confirmed it, but I KNOW she took the blanket my late mother made and I am never going to see again.

  22. Pretend she was suicidal, not answer her phone and so I was left to call 911. She never forgave me.

  23. She walked out on our only 12 month marriage in a day for another guy.

    Told her I wanted 50/50 custody of our daughter, next day police at my door serving me a intervention order for claims of violence.

    Due to covid it took 18 months for my initial contest hearing, joined the court zoom conference, she had her camera off, judge asked if she was there….told judge yes but she was too scared to show her face. (Only a week earlier I crossed her path at the shops and she was with her new partner, pointed and laughed at me)

    Judge asked if she was looking to extend, she said yes and the judge auto adjourned it another 6 months and didn’t ask me for any info.

    2 years before I got my say and 2 years without seeing my daughter.

    She is a true narcissist in every sense of the word.

  24. Took a selfie of her in bed with her “just a friend” after I caught her cheating.
    Sent it to her parents 🤷🏻‍♂️

  25. What’s with the number of women falsely accusing their ex’s of molesting their kids??? My brothers ex did that. Had an invasive medical exam and everything, with an actual doctor telling her there was zero evidence of anything happening. Luckily, it backfired on her. My brother has a bunch of friends, almost all of which have kids, and he was designated babysitter for a while. He’s that type of dude that dogs and kids always love. The judge had to tell his lawyer he didn’t need anymore character witnesses. He had his ex wife and dozens of female friends willing to testify. She also fucked up and messaged his oldest daughter and was trying to convince her to lie and say her dad had touched her, which never happened. She never changed her fb password, so he had evidence of her messaging other people and asking their advice on what to say/have the kids say. She was pretty much shunned and had to move.

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