Say you have a unfortunate life cursed with the sins of bad mental health, addiction, or unfortunate circumstances. Then one day your put in 3rd person and someone else lives your life. They managed to do everything right and fix all your problems. How would you feel?

  1. I’d be kinda worried because even if they ‘solved’ problems I would eventually have to live with the consequences of their solutions. So I might be expected to be more competent than I actually am because this person has given me a reputation that I myself did not attain. It might be beneficial but it also might create more problems, it’s hard to say

  2. I would hate it. If someone is too lazy to help me find my own solutions but feels entitled enough to say “I can do better.” Thats a jerk right there. They would have robbed me from the best moments of my life when I havent consented in the first place. I would fight back and say no.

  3. Did I invite them in? Or did they just do this?

    If someone randomly started moving my body around, I would be terrified regardless of what they did with it. Because how do I know they won’t do it again? I’d probably live in constant fear of causing a problem and then getting temp-murdered by a ghost.

    Honestly, I don’t think I have any problems as serious as being haunted/possessed would be.

    No thanks.

  4. I’d be concerned about the ‘solutions’. Seems like opening up a ‘Monkey’s Paw’ kinda problem for me.

  5. Grateful.

    It kills me that people will not think twice about hiring a mechanic when their car breaks down, but somehow think it is wrong to seek professional help when their minds or emotions break down.

    Guess what asshats your HEAD is a lot more complicated than your CAR.

  6. It’d feel great. But it wouldn’t mean shit because I’d just keep doing things wrong because I personally didn’t put the work in.

  7. Sounds like a version of “Get Out”.

    Do I ever get control of my body back?

    Can this person in the future just randomly take me over again without my say so(against my will)?

    Need more information but if this is all you’re giving me then no, I don’t like it.

    I would feel helpless.

  8. I think I’d be a little grossed out. Also probably cheering for them it’s gonna take a lotta pushups and or running, diet, exercise, etc.

  9. I prefer free will and learning how to sustain the change. It’s like winning the lottery. Your problems are all fixed externally until your internal problems catch up with you

  10. I don’t really have many serious problems. I just have things I’m hesitate to do because I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do or I don’t know how to get it done. But if they find a way to pull the trigger and do the things I’m too scared to do then I’d be grateful.

  11. I imagine I would be fearful all the problems would come back since I did not handle them myself. And if they did, I would think I needed this 3rd person intervention again to fix it, and on and on. I don’t think I have as many problems as the target audience for this, but nonetheless I think everyone needs to sort out their own problems if they want to have something better, or else they will never feel they have control over their lives.

    Edit: this is in no way to say seeking professional help is not solving your own problems. I actually think that is very proactive and constructive and responsible to seek help, but it probably will not work if you are not serious about taking responsibility and putting the work in.

  12. Depends on what happens next. Am I going to die? Then I don’t care. Am I going to be put back into my body or given a chance to live another life? Then I’ll learn and try things out next time.

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