How do you track the expenses on month-month

  1. I use a budgeting app, not a tracking app. You Need A Budget aka YNAB. It isn’t free but it is worth it imo.

  2. I just made myself a pretty simple set up on Excel. I download my expenses from my bank every month and then go through it line by line putting every expense in a category. Some of the categories I use are for example rent, other home expenses, food or entertainment. Some categories I’ve also divided into sub-categories if I wanna know where the money goes more precisely. Like food is divided into supermarket and eating out/delivery.

    I can then see my expenses for every month and compare it to the previous months/yearly average and if I notice one category is unusually high for no good reason I’ll try to keep it lower the next month. I like that better than having a pre-set budget because that would feel too limiting for me.

    I also added another filter for every expense that might be tax-deductible so I can find those easily when doing my taxes at the end of the year.

  3. I track re-occurring expenses like rent, utilities, savings and such in simple excel sheet. All other things I don’t track ’cause I have a good overview of what I spent with combination of bank app history and my own memory.

  4. Google sheets is my go too! It’s pretty basic but I have a list of fixed monthly expenses and subtract that from my income. With whatever number is left I just start dividing it by “Investments”, “Entertainment,” and “Food.” The only reason why food isn’t a fixed expense to me is because I tend to switch my diet up so much that it’s hard to tell what it will be. Therefore I just allocate an amount depending on what other activities I want to do are.

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