My girlfriend is texting her ex who is trying to get back with her? She is not initiating but only responding, usually late into the night.

I just went through her phone last night, I thought something was suspicious with her. She has no idea I saw her texts.

Anyways I noticed that this week her ex has contacted her. Based off the message history they havent spoken in almost 6 months. Thats about when we got together. Timelines match up. He texted her in the day and she chose to respond late night at 10pm and they talked until 3am. Same next day he replied in the morning, then she didnt respond until late night again. Shes deliberately choosing late night hours to respond :/

He asked her to talk in person, she said no Im with someone but said “How did things end up this way?”. He was persistent and sweet talking her and apologizing eventually she was kind of entertaining him and not telling him to leave her alone. He even asked if she was happy with me, and she said yes. Nothing too bad in fact im happy about that. She kept telling him she was with someone now.

He was talking about their relationship and she was sending sad emojis, puppy eye emojis, etc.

This is where it gets kind of weird. He told her that he was leaving the country to travel the world and wanted her to come.

He apologized for fucking things up. She told him that she loved being with him, liked him a lot, wanted to be with him but he was selfish and only thought of himself. He said hes been working on himself recently and she sent him a bunch of puppy dog eyes, and then sent him “Its such a shame all that is happening right now”

They talked more and she said that all he wanted was fun and she was looking for something true. He replied what do you mean and she said that he never wanted something serious, “I wanted to have a stable relationship with you”

He said he regretted taking her for granted. She replied “I just thought you didnt want anything more with me”

Thats where he didnt reply yet.

On one hand she let him know she was taken. But the “how did things end up this way” really gave me a bad vibe like she misses him or something. Then all the puppy dog emojies and vulnerable emotional convo they had, it seemed like she was receptive to him.

I cannot tell if shes being civil to him, or if she still has feelings? The convo noticeably warmed up on her side. She was more formal at first.

The other part of me is very angry she didnt tell him to fuck off and even seemed to be encouraging him. Then the “how did things end up this way” really got me in a bad headspace.

TLDR; Girlfriend isnt shutting down ex. Seems to be encouraging him and emotionally talking about their relationship together.

  1. >I just went through her phone last night,

    I wonder why she would entertain getting back with an ex?

  2. You’re entirely in the wrong for violating the privacy of a woman you’ve been with for six months. She did nothing wrong. She put him off multiple times. Maybe she should’ve blocked him but Jesus dude. Tell her you did this so she can dump you.

  3. Dude, you looked at her messages without her knowledge or consent. If you say anything, you will be soooooo busted. Therefore, other than maybe stepping up your game a bit, doing more fun stuff with her and showing her a bit more affection, you are stuck and can’t say a damn thing.

  4. Bro don’t listen to these idiots. She’s texting an ex behind your back, basically begging him to “win her back”. That shit is gross and completely validates you going through her phone. She cheated, you caught her.

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