I know it is amazing, but I am sure that there are ups and down, so please be honest, I would like to see the reality

  1. Amazing. Overwhelming, exhausting, challenging, and filled with happiness you never ever experienced before

  2. Exhausting, frustrating, sometimes humiliating and also weirdly amazing and wonderful. Taking care of two tiny little poop goblins that I created and relied on me to care for them, I’ve never felt like I had purpose as much as I have caring for them

    Also I’ve gotten very comfortable handling piss, shit and vomit… my disgust reaction has basically died and none of it bothers me in the slightest

  3. For me being a new parent was refreshing after enduring pregnancy. Yeah it’s magical blah blah but I hated it. My experience is : You spend months being super hungry but only able to eat a little at a time because there’s no room so you’re just always hungry. Morning sickness wasn’t really a problem for me except my last pregnancy and it came and went all nine months. One kid would kick so hard I though he cracked ribs. All of them would stretch out as far as possible and that’s a very unique pain. And you’re never comfortable. Oh and the hormones. There were times I would cry over the smallest thing which wasn’t a big deal but I couldn’t stop. I would be laughing because it was so ridiculous but still crying. I don’t even know how that’s possible but it happened. I didn’t despise my husband or anything but he got no sympathy for anything. The worst part about labor the first time is not knowing what to expect. The worst part after the first time is knowing what to expect but it’s not as bad. Newborns are my favorite. You get your body back and they are super easy. All they need are feeding cleaning and cuddles. I still miss sleep but kids are totally worth it. It’s a humbling experience to be proud of yourself for outsmarting a toddler.

  4. Pregnancy was easy breezy for me. Caring for a new born, exhausting. Lifestyle completely turned upside down, totally new schedule, totally new priorities. So much less sleep. Figuring out how to sooth a newborn, trying to learn the different cries. Figuring out how to pack diaper bags with the perfect amount of things. Figuring out how to run errands efficiently enough so you dont have to load the kid the car seat more than necessary. Worrying about everything. Am I doing this right? Is this enough food or not enough food? Is he hot or cold? Is it too tight too loose? Are shoes good or bad?

    Wondering if every little thing is normal or abnormal. Seeing everything as a reason to see the doctor bc better safe than sorry & you dont want to be that lady that thought it was normal & it ended up being super serious. Heaven forbid your kid gets cradle cap or dermatitis, or colic!

    My son was pretty much the easiest baby ever and I was concerned about all of the above. He is 13 now & I have a very distinct memory basically the day we got home from the hospital I think. My mom can be very over bearing & because I was a young mom (21), I really wanted to prove I can do this. Her offers for help were not received by me as a kindness but as an accusation of my incompetence.

    So there I am, alone with my semi-jaundiced newborn, im exhausted, 4th degree episiotomy and my son just got a fresh diaper & was just nursed for like a whole hour. I was instructed to have him sleep in the basinet infront of the window so he can get plenty of vitamin D. He fell asleep in my arms but when I set him down in the basinet he woke up crying. I tried this for what seemed like a really long time…I just couldn’t get him to stay asleep. I remember pacing the floor with him, bouncing him & tears just streaming from my face, both of us bawling our heads off.

    I called my mom. She came & put him to sleep in his bassinet in about 3 minutes. I was just astounded at how easy it was for her. We sat on the couch & she comforted me next and I fell asleep on her lap. She put both of us down for a nap in 10 minutes flat.

    Experience is a helluva thing.

    But uh, ya newborns are great! Love & happiness or whatever.

  5. The pregnancy was painful and exhausting but nothing prepared me for having a new born. It was awful. The sleep deprivation and lack of support had me in tears and wishing I’d never had him. Feeding ever two hours for weeks and being a light sleeper with a husband who snores will do that. I’m surprised I didn’t end up with psychosis from the lack of sleep. It did improve when he started sleeping more and I stopped breastfeeding- at 10 weeks. Then I could start to enjoy him.

  6. I have a 6 month old. Pregnancy was a breeze for me, but the transition into motherhood with a newborn was jarring. I didn’t have postpartum depression or anxiety but I just did not enjoy the newborn phase.
    The sleepless nights and fussy baby were too overwhelming at times and had me questioning if i ruined my life by having a baby. Luckily, that only lasted for the first 6 weeks but it felt like a lifetime.
    I do look back on photos of my baby as an infant and wished I enjoyed that phase more but I know there was no way I could have, knowing what I know now.
    And that’s ok!
    I’m excited now that she’s a little older and more aware of her surroundings. Watching her learn and grow has been super rewarding and I love being a mom now ❤️

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