How do you tolerate having long hair? Does it bother you having hair cover your ears?

  1. I absolutely LOVE having long hair. If my hair isn’t covering my ears then things feel weird

  2. There’s nothing to tolerate – if it gets in my way, I put it up. It’s great in the winter having my ears and neck covered. In the summer, buns and ponytails for sweaty days.

  3. I don’t see what there is to tolerate. It’s what I’m used to and so I don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to the feeling of my ears/neck/whatever being covered.

  4. I love my long hair. It’s finally to the point it’s passed my chest, I haven’t had it like this in years. The only weird or crappy parts are when it gets caught in something or feeling it on my arms.

    Also, long hair keeps the ears warm in winter

  5. personally i feel naked when my ears are *not* covered lmao. i very much use my hair as a sort of safety blanket though. but sometimes if i’m really hot or not feeling well, i do hate the feeling of it being on my neck. in those cases, i usually put it in a high bun or a french braid.

  6. I find long hair less annoying than short hair. Long hair moves smoothly over my neck, ears, and other sensitive areas, versus having the ends of short hair poke them.

  7. I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed it touching my ears or not. If it’s getting in the way I just put it up or braid it. No biggie.

  8. My hair is hip-length, I love having long hair. It doesn’t bother me at all and I simply tie it in a ponytail when I’m exercising, when working on a machine or when it’s really hot outside, or sometimes in a loose braid for sleeping.

  9. I love long hair! I’m trying to get mine down to waist length, but it takes forever to grow

  10. My hair is past halfway down my back at this point and I love it. My only complaint is sometimes my husband pulls it when he rolls over at night.

  11. When I had long hair I always put in in a pony tail and rarely styled it differently. I was getting tension headaches from my hair tie on top of having chronic migraines. I chopped it all off and now I have a pixie hair cut. My showers are 2 minutes long, it takes me forever to go through a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, and I can brush my hair and it’ll be dry in about 10 minutes. Maintaining short hair kinda sucks but I don’t mind getting my hair cut every couple of months.

  12. My hair is very long (passes my butt) and I almost exclusively wear it up in a bun. Due to trauma, I have anxiety over haircuts, but I hate having it down. I’m always sitting on it, getting it caught on things, and people tugging/touching it. I’m trying to learn to embrace it, but it’s definitely hard to tolerate for a whole day.

  13. I never tolerated my long hair more than anything to comb

    No, what bothers me the most is not having hair on my face since I feel that I am ugly

  14. As much as I want to have short hair, it doesn’t suit my face. So, long haired ever since then. It bothers me when my hair covers my face so I tie them in a neat bun all the time otherwise it’ll be all over my face (especially when it’s windy and that sweaty nape when it’s hot). It’s annoying how to always tie them but the silver lining is that I get effort free wavy hair when I untie it.

  15. I can’t stand it, I hate it. But I look horrid with short hair. 95% of the time my hair is in a pony or bun.

  16. I love it. When I sleep I have to have my hair over my ears or they get cold. Usually I wear my hair back in a low pony, but I leave it down sometimes. Basically I’m lazy and short hair is more work.

  17. I’ve always had long hair. It’s part of my identity at this point. I’d feel naked if it were anything higher than mid back

  18. I had to start trimming mine when I found out the hard way that it is neither graceful nor ladylike to trip over one’s own hair.

    I chop it to just below my knees now and let it grow till it starts brushing my ankles (usually takes about a year). Haven’t had an actual haircut since 1992. But I usually put it up and wear a headscarf when I go out in public.

  19. I don’t like the shape of my ears, so I actually can’t stand having them uncovered, lol.

  20. It’s not the ear covering that gets me, it’s when it falls in my face- I don’t have a fringe/face framing layers/bangs so when it bothers me I can pull it all the way back

  21. only bad thing about having long hair is it getting caught on things

    mine likes to get stuck half out the car door

  22. It annoys the crap outta me. My hair gets knotted up so easily, gets greasy the day after I wash it, and falls everywhere. I’d tie it up, but I’m prone to headaches when I do that. Can’t wait to cut it all off.

  23. There is nothing to “tolerate.”My har is hip-length, and It does not bother me ever. I just put it up in a bun if I need to.

  24. My ears feel too naked without my hair falling over them. If my neck gets hot or hair gets in the way, I just tie it back or put on a headband.

  25. I love my long hair.

    It’s soft and smells nice when it moves over my face.

    The extra care and handling required is 100% worth it.

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