Servers/Bartenders and other service workers, what’s something a costumer should never do?

  1. *Never* ask someone out who is working. They are trapped and too many assholes will go to the manager for “rudeness” when it really means you just said no to their gross advances.

  2. Talk about the tip. ” i tip really well so…” “they are really working for their tip” i hated that. I liked considerate normal customers that tipped average over huge assholes who tipped slightly better.

    Moving seats over and over when in a big party. We usually use seat numbers to keep track of who has what not your face. So when a party of 15 want seperate checks and have been jumping around it makes it a bit tougher. Plus its just childish and tacky.

    Asking for a hookup. If your a regular and we like you (regular doesnt mean you are a good regular) i would hook you up when possible but dont ask.

    Ordering thing not on the menu/making up your own dish

    Making rediculous requests – so and so did it last time or i get it every time i come.

  3. * Don’t reach over the bar. Don’t grab for items behind the bar.
    * Don’t touch me.
    * Don’t flirt with me.
    * Don’t ask me when the next time my coworker is working, or ask who is working tomorrow
    * If we’re out of something we normally have, don’t ask when it will return. Stop asking if it’s back yet. No, I don’t fucking know when.
    * Don’t call me over to order and then make me wait while you pound the rest of the drink you already still have.
    * Don’t look at your fucking phone while I’m speaking to you.
    * Don’t act all mad when you order things with “just a little extra” of something and see that I charged you extra for it.
    * If you are part of a large group, just open a single tab with one person’s credit card. It’s 2022, y’all got fucking venmo. You don’t all need to start your own separate tab and close out all at separate times.
    * Do not ever utter the phrase “I’ll close out for now.” So what you mean is… You want to keep the tab *open.* Do not buy multiple rounds of drinks and close out every single damn time.

    * **DO NOT OVERSTAY YOUR WELCOME.** When I make last call and ask you to close your tabs, I mean close your fucking tab. When I say you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here, I mean GET OUT. NOW. Stop trying to help me close up shop – you don’t know how and trying to teach you will just take longer. Stop trying to talk to me while I’m counting money. Stop standing in the damn way while I’m trying to sweep the floor. Just. Please. Sometimes I like inviting regulars to hang out with me after closing, but other times I just want to be alone. Doesn’t matter how special you are.

  4. Put cash on the table and tell me that you take a dollar away for every mistake I make and at the end we will see what I get. I don’t like people playing games with me about my income or treating me like I’m not a person. This is super rude. Play that game in your head if you must play it.

  5. Don’t ask what time I finish. After a 12 hour shift I just want to go home, definitely not with a stranger I just met.

    And don’t order anything that’s not on the menu. It’s not there for a reason.

  6. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone approaches the bar, and doesn’t even say hello or acknowledge me – just states what they want. Also, if something is wrong with your meal/drink, I’m much more happy to help you out if you just politely let me know what the problem is, rather than being disrespectful or raising your voice at me. Hospitality workers just want to be treated with human decency, and it’s actually shocking how many people treat us like robots with no feelings

  7. Just don’t stuck up the queue. Decide and order. Don’t stand there 5 minutes not knowing what you want

  8. Being rude in general. Act as if we’re robots belonging to the company. We’re humans with feelings and it actually makes my day when a customer smiles back at me or says that the food was good (I’m a chef but I often serve the food myself cause it’s a very small lunchroom)

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