I am going to have sex for the first time tomorrow. I am so so excited but a little paranoid.

When I buy birth control obviously I’ll follow the instructions of the pills, but should I also take a plan B afterwards? To be extra safe?

Additional advice from your first time? I am nervous but so ready for this.

  1. Multiple methods of contraception is the best way to prevent an accidental pregnancy.

    Condoms double as contraception and some STI protection. Don’t let a partner convince you to let them go raw without a condom unless you’re prepared for the risks and have both been STI tested. No condom = no sex.

    Birth control pills won’t be effective immediately unless started on the first day of your period. When started at a different time, they will take at least a week to be effective. The instructions that come with the pills will give you info about this for your specific pill.

    With birth control + condoms that are used properly, you shouldn’t use plan B. Plan B is for emergencies (like when you miss a pill and the condom breaks).

    There are also other methods of birth control aside from the pill. You should do some research to figure out what would be best for you. IUDs and arm implants are the most effective methods.

  2. Always be extra safe when it comes to sex, before I got married, my ex boyfriend would use a condom and I’d have plan b available. Don’t let anyone convince you that the pull out method is a form of bc no matter what they claim. I’ve had friends end up pregnant with that.

  3. So, to me, it sounds like you are rushing sex. As in, if you take a birth control pill right now it will work immediately to stop pregnancy and your set for tomorrow. Not neccessarily the case honestly. Also, there are a variety of birth control medications and some may or may not be useful to you – I knew someone who would get sick from a certain brand for example.

    Ideally you want at least a week or so after starting birth control medication to make sure you tolerate any side effects and to make sure you are giving it the best chances of being effective. Also, birth control pills can also be less effective and even useless due to other medications you maybe taking even. So make sure you are not taking any medications that may compromise your birth control.

    Of course, condoms are a must…no matter what to avoid pregnancy and STIs, always a great physical barrier backup that’s needed. At the bare minimum if you want to have sex immediately – use a condom.

    Also, having plan B is another great option to always have on hand just in case you feel uncertain by what happened during sex. Like a condom breaking, etc. So definitely keep that alongside your must haves (condoms, bc meds)

    Read and review this site for more info: [https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/birth-control-pill](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/birth-control-pill)

    Most important…don’t rush this if you’re unsure of anything. No pressure should be involved in something that should be fun and great feeling. Sex will always be there waiting for you. Your confidence and security is most important, and you feeling that confident and secure in your safety and birth control methods will just make sex a better thing to enjoy.

  4. I don’t know how bc works, but now I’m curious. As for advice, all I can offer is never have unprotected sex, for any reason, ever. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the pill, have an IUD, or have your tubes tied. STIs are a thing, and birth control doesn’t do jack to protect you. You should always insist your partner wears a condom. Doesn’t matter if he says he’s clean. You don’t know when his last test was, or if he’s ever been tested, or even if he’s telling the truth. Safe sex is good sex

  5. Plan B is for emergencies only, not routine. You don’t need it in addition to hormonal BC, and taking it regularly messes with your hormones

  6. The first time you have sex will not be as amazing as you might expect. It takes time and practice. Sex is very mental. You don’t even know what really gets you off yet. Have patience and take your time to discover what you like. The first time I had sex I was amazed by what it feels like inside of a woman. But the sex was awful, very dry. I did not know how to slow down and let things get really wet.

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