I had 3 dates with a woman.
My kid ended up having surgery so I had to cancel plans this weekend. I didn’t offer to make other plans yet. We are supposed to get together Friday morning possibly. She took the day off.

I told her I missed her on Saturday. I didnt call bc i was busy. I called her yesterday while she said she was at the store and she did text back.

I haven’t really had a chance to text her back after that. She texted last night to say If I had time to give her a call.

I texted back “hey babe” and she responded what’s up. I never contacted her back. I’m just busy.

She didn’t contact me this morning. So I guess at this point she isn’t interested?

Why are women like this. How can I bow out of this?

  1. >Why are women like this.

    Like what?


    >I texted back “hey babe” and she responded what’s up. I never contacted her back. I’m just busy.

    This is the only issue I see. You haven’t contacted her back and are expecting a call. If you can write this all out you can send a text to explain things. You would like to keep the date for Friday (if you do, I don’t know), but if conversation is sporadic, it’s because of your kid’s surgery. If you just suck at communication, just let her know you have less time than you thought and things aren’t going to work right now.

  2. > I never contacted her back.

    > Why are women like this.

    I… don’t get your point of view. You’ve clearly already ghosted her but you’re blaming her for it?

    “My kid just had surgery and I’m really busy right now… I’d still love to get together if you’re interested but I’m not sure when I’m going to be free so I understand if that’s a problem” would do you just fine.

  3. Guys ghost too. I had the pleasure of one doing that to me for a year only to try and hook up again. Rather than play tit for tat I informed him that I wasn’t interested in trying to hang out again due to said ghosting and sent him on his way

  4. >I texted back “hey babe” and she responded what’s up. I never contacted her back. I’m just busy. She didn’t contact me this morning. So I guess at this point she isn’t interested? Why are women like this.

    What?! It was her who sent a message last, maybe she does not feel comfortable insisting after not receiving an answer. The ball is in your field, yet you ask yourself “why are women like this”? There are some faults in your logic.

  5. I don’t think that you are pointing out a problem with her, so I am not sure what you are getting at with the “why are women like this” comment. I get that you had something come up and couldn’t make your original plans, but if you cancelled, I think it would be on you to come up with the next plan. She is probably give you a little space to get it sorted, especially since she already took the day off to spend some time with you.

  6. I mean i think she was understanding of you having to be there for your kid. But it seems like shes leaving the ball in your court to maybe do more than just say “hey”?!

    If youre super busy and cant respond or actually meet atm then maybe you should 1) let her know. Yes you might fancy her but clearly youre not in a position to date atm or arent able to give as much as youd like or as much as what was talked about/agreed upon originally…which is okay but let her know. 2) if youre really busy then maybe hold off on dating until your time gets a bit more free, that is if you being this busy is temporary. If this level of busy is your norm/new norm then you may need to find someone who is okay with that if shes not.

    Overall continuous canceling of plans, no matter the reason, can be a bummer for people as well so maybe thats how shes feeling. But you need to actually talk to her.

    Best of luck

  7. Just tell her directly you’re busy and at this point of your life you will not have time for her. Women are resilient and understanding. Instead of not saying anything, it’s better to tell her directly. Be an adult and brave to tell her that.

  8. You just tell her that you are too busy for a relationship and that’s it. Be mature enough to talk about such things.

  9. Why do you need to Ghost. Send a text FFS.

    *Why are women like this*?!?

    So she’s supposed to keep reaching out to YOU, but it’s not your responsibility to give her info about your situation?? You expect her to psychically KNOW that you’re having drama?

    Please dump her. She deserves better than you.

  10. Please see a therapist or psychiatrist. There’s something not right here. I get you’re probably under a lot of stress because of your child, but you absolutely cannot blame her for your lack of competence dude. You’re wasting her time. Just tell her now is not a good time for you snd apologize for wasting her time. Stop being a POS.

  11. Why should she chase you? You don’t seem interested. If it was a case of her texting you again when she didn’t get a reply, I can guarantee you’d be the sort to call her clingy 🙄

  12. you cancelled plans and failed to offer alternate plans.

    she responded “whats up” and you never replied.

    then you say “i guess she isnt interested?”

    when women complain about clueless men, youre who theyre referring to. thanks for making it harder for the rest of us because you have no idea how to conduct yourself

  13. I’m a single widowed mom of FOUR KIDS and I can text people back in a timely fashion, I text like two of my friends almost daily. You’re not showing this woman much interest and it sounds like you’re looking for any excuse to ghost her.

  14. send a message every week with something like “so sorry, my phone has been flat, i have been meaning to get a new battery and screen”

  15. Ghosting is never kind. If you want to end things with her, just tell her directly, in a gentle and assertive way. Be an adult.

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