What do you think it means when someone’s obituary mentions something like, “right or wrong, you always knew where you stood with him (the deceased)”?

  1. IDK, I don’t hear this one as complimentary but a way to acknowledge and perhaps excuse argumentativeness or a big mouthed person. You know, someone not well liked bc they’re generally offensive…

  2. Charitably, it means that they valued truth over kindness. They spoke honestly and would prefer to speak their harsh truth rather than a kind lie. They didn’t manipulate people or try to persuade them for gain.

    Uncharitbly, the person who wrote their obituary was a petty person nursing a grudge over some comment the deceased made. They felt it important to passive aggressively insult the person who’s life summary was their responsibility to write. It’s crass.

  3. They were opinionated and often rubbed people the wrong way. Who the hell would put this in an obituary?

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