how does one go about getting matches on tinder? I don’t understand. I have a good pictures and I’m decent looking my bio is ok but not a single match. I’ve been on tinder for 11 months.

  1. Post your profile to the tinder subreddit so people can tell you what needs to be changed

  2. if you’ve been on 11 months without a match. then you either have terrible pictures or a a terrible bio.

    I’m ugly and I still get regular mathches on dating apps (i’m not on tnder)

    post it and you should be able to get some advice on what to change.

  3. most likely need better pics & if you need to hear this, hit the gym. I went from chubby to shredded & the difference in matches is so great, it’s not even funny. hang in there

  4. If you haven’t had any results in 11 months, clearly your profile and pictures aren’t ok. Get an honest friend to help you out with both.

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