I’m talking anger over spilt milk, anger because someone forgot to turn off a light, anger because someone forgot to buy bread, anger all the time over everything.
What finally helped you regulate?

  1. I’m not sure if anything really “helped” me stop getting angry all the time, but I think what has helped me the most is just learning to accept that some things are out of my control and that there’s no point in getting upset over them. I’ve also found that it’s helpful to try and see things from other people’s perspectives – even if I don’t agree with them, understanding where they’re coming from can help diffuse a situation.

  2. Anger is manifestation of sadness. Once you realize that you find out what to work on to get rid of anger issues.

  3. It’s because your thinking is majority negative so your actions are negative. To change you need to look over good things rather than bad once, stop looking at war news or crimes and look at cats and people’s helping other.

    It’s just an habit to train but it’s not difficult.

  4. I realized I can’t control everything. The only things that actually piss me off is disrespect. Like my wife not hearing me out or listening to my calm responses to her freak outs. Or a random old man telling me to pick up my dogs shit after he took a piss. Yeah he really asked me if I was going to pick it up after my shi tzu pissed on a bush.

  5. Know your core values, take action to center your life around them, sort your priorities.

    If you have a clear understanding what is actually essential for the things in your life, the anger should subside. Unless of course you are a control freak/old child who can’t stand having anything going against your will

  6. Age honestly. I’m still healing, and flawed but I’m not padded cell cuckoo so atm it’s just two steps forward, one step back.

  7. I grew up, behavior like that is for toddlers. How emotionally weak are you to where pathetically small stuff sets you off? Honestly you should get some help.

  8. 2 simple questions have made a huge difference for me as somebody who used to be frequently and easily angered:

    1) will being angry about this help the situation?

    2) is this a good use of my energy?

    Invariably, the answer to both will be “no”. The act of having to consciously think about it and confront that reality has been very helpful.

  9. Everyone gets mad occasionally but if they are always touchy, angry, complaining, raging they will never stop because its part of their personality.

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