We met at work (20M and 19F) and there are some guys at work who constantly ask her out, invite her to eat lunch together and all sorts of activities just to spend as much time with her as possible.
She is denying all the invitations but they keep trying even though they know we are together! She friend-zones them but I want them to stop trying. What do I do?

  1. >She friend-zones them but I want them to stop trying.

    You can’t. Welcome to dating at work, buddy.

  2. Nothing. You do nothing.

    She’s your GF. You can trust her to turn down these invites. It’s just part of work culture. If she’s feeling harassed, she knows who to contact in HR or her manager. If you step in, it could make things super awkward and the fall out may end up on her lap. This is exactly why companies discourage dating between their employees.

  3. I’m continually shocked at how audacious guys can be. I’m sickeningly polite to women. Even when I ask them out, I sort of tip-toe around it because I don’t want to be too forward.

    Myself and this girl aren’t “together” per se, but it’s complicated. Twice in the last two months we’ve been somewhere together and someone hit on her. I get it she’s hot. WAY out of my league. But I’d never approach a woman who walks in with a man. To me that’s just disrespectful to everyone involved.

  4. Look if you need tobtalk to her about it, bring up how annoying it is they just won’t stop bothering her.

    Otherwise don’t talk shit about them, cause if you do or you attempt to prevent her from talking to them she is going to get the impression you are threatened.

    Personally I’d have fun with it. Enjoy giving her a kiss in front of them when you know they are looking, or you can even say something to or around the guys to get them crazy jealous.

    Make sure you communicate with her clearly, and just keep doing your thing with her. She likes you, and she’s being a good girlfriend. Best to continue doing your thing, and focus on being better for yourself and improving things for you both.

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