Wife came home from a work conference absolutely smashed.

She does this when she goes out and I don’t like the person she becomes when she’s had a drink. She doesn’t know when to stop.

Left my card and gift for her in the kitchen, after putting her to bed.

  1. sounds like she has an addiction if she can’t control herself once she starts and if that is so then she needs to see a therapist and start AA

    Good luck OP I hope things get better and she still makes good choices while smashed

  2. Sounds like yall are having some issues. She could have not had anything to drink knowing it was your anniversary. At least she came home though.

  3. Happy 5th wedding anniversary , i doubt your wife said it . Hope u didnt have anything planned for the night because that is a pretty shitty thing to do when u should have shared whatever it may have been .
    Sounds like she has an alcohol problem & if she cannot stop when she starts drinking & knew it was your anniversary , then that is disrespectful to say the least . She knew what would happen & went ahead & did it anyway .

  4. Happy anniversary! We are anniversary twins (#7 for us). I’m glad she is home and safe with you. Maybe the next 364 days before your 6th will be better.

  5. Since she ruined this one, it would be nice if she planned the next to be special for you.

  6. Hi alcoholic here. That is alcoholism. That’s where it started for me. Be careful it escalates quickly if not managed.

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