A bit of background: I began a conversation with him, asking if he would like us to get to know each other and we had good conversations!!! But we never talked irl, I was too shy and he never really initiated it either.

There was a week where I didn’t text him as he saw my message one time and didn’t respond so (as I have anxiety) I completely freaked out and thought he hated me, so decided that I would just leave him alone.

I felt drawn back to thinking about it all again for some reason, until I had a bit of a revelation that he could just be shy. So last Saturday i apologised to him LMAO and said that I was sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring him and I told him I was very shy. He replied to me saying that he also had no confidence lmao and we started talking again.

This Monday we had 4 free periods at the same time, and multiple times throughout them i felt him look at me, but I put it down to just looking in my general direction. At least until I felt him looking at me and so I looked up, and he immediately looked away, which made me very confused but also flustered. We also had a moment where we made eye contact for like 2 seconds but I stupidly broke it off because I got shy LMAO.

I got his number, we were texting on instagram before and I thought it would be easier to text on imessage, so I texted him letting him know it was me but he didn’t respond to this so my anxious brain AGAIN freaked out, until he texted me out of nowhere asking if I had watched this show and telling me that it was really good. This was the first time he had really initiated conversation with me. It took me a while to reply to this because at first I didn’t see the message, but once I replied he replied almost instantly despite being in a lesson.

The current situation is very strange right now, ive texted him about the show (which isn’t a question just a statement about it) he recommended, but he hasn’t replied despite him viewing my Instagram story, so I’m kinda worried he’s ignoring me 😭 at school today I actually talked to him a little bit but it was just offering a stapler (which he didn’t need) and I got nervous so I seemed awkward. He seemed kinda quiet too but i can’t tell if it’s shyness or him being uninterested. We don’t speak in school, I’m too shy and he either doesn’t want to talk or is just as shy as me, but there’s so many mixed signals I cannot tell what he is feeling. I want to let him know that I like talking to him, but i worry I’m being annoying. He does seem introverted, but around his friends he doesn’t show that shyness that he does around me. I am so so so confused, and it’s kinda killing me lmao

  1. Well one of you either needs to put your big girl panties on and break the ice. I will say the right man will put you at ease, you will feel completely open, safe, and able to talk to them like an old friend. There won’t be mixed signals because you’ve met your match. It’s one thing to get butterflies…its completely different being so uncomfortable in person that you can’t have a conversation face to face. You really only have 2 options…Put yourself out there and make an effort to hang out in person or sit and wonder “what if”. The sooner the better…don’t waste your time if it feels forced and confusing.

  2. Are there any mutual friends u guys can hang out with in some sort of group setting so he gets a little more comfortable talking to u ?

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