Have you ever received a mental and/or physical diagnosis that made everything make sense? Like, “Oh, so THAT’S why blah blah blah happens…”

  1. Finding out I’m pregnant >.> Suddenly my throwing up, exhaustion, and mood swings made absolute sense. I seriously thought I had a life altering illness or something. I literally couldn’t keep any food down at all. I was so weak and nauseous that I could barely get out of bed.

    And then I found out that I’m pregnant and it all made sense. One of the biggest *duh* moments of my life;;;

  2. Went to my doctor with a laundry list of complaints. Skin changes, irregular temperature, new and fascinating moods, etc.

    I was in menopause. I hadn’t considered it, mostly because I was in my mid 40s. But, I had a hysterectomy at 34 due to horrible fibroid tumors. I still have my ovaries, but the womb removal started the process. I don’t remember being advised of this, but having that answer made SO much sense.

  3. Oh every month when I get my period. Suddenly all the emotions, wanting to cry, eat everything, and being mad at life make sense!

    And being diagnosed as severely dyslexic at 17! Could attribute way to many personal characters to that! Did not know words and letter aren’t meant to wriggle and move around a lil bit! Fun times!

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