By search that on google I find questions like “what makes you unique?” Which isn’t very useful to me, as I’m interested in knowing the person’s expectations, needs, boundaries, perception of a relationship, of romance, gender, sexuality, etc. Questions that are really crucial to the success pr failure of a relationship. What do you suggest?

  1. 1. Talk to them about their relationship w their parents. It’s like Freudian but it will give you insights into things they want and don’t want, communication and conflict resolution style etc.

    2. What did you have for breakfast this morning. This can be the most illuminating question ever if you’re lucky. It’s like a glimpse into their routine their rituals their self care and nutrition etc.

    Plus it’s funny to know what people had for breakfast.

  2. >”what makes you unique?”

    Make sure you follow that up with, where do you see yourself in 5 years time? /s

    If you’re going to ask interview questions, you’re going to get as much interaction from the person as a job interview.

    Funny anecdotes, Ask about any travelling she’s done or wants to do. Life experiences etc. Play games (murder/sleep with/kill etc.). And make sure you’re working the body language too. Eye contact, low quiet (but deep) voice to make her lean in to listen (if you have a breathy high register voice, get voice training – think Russell Crowe in Gladiator – learn to project from the diaphragm). Body position to be safe, warm, inviting. You cannot do *any* of these things over text, btw. Which is why it’s crucial to meet up asap.

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