I have no interest in being in a relationship but this subreddit is often recommended to me. Although indeed, some people don’t want to date black women or Asian men, that doesn’t mean that the majority of people think like this.

After being on Reddit for years I can admit that I’ve seen many posts from men saying they are not attracted to black women.
Something to consider however is that many people on the internet often think stereotypes are 100 percent accurate and truthful regarding everyone belonging to a certain group.

I am black and native as you can see from my profile picture.
I don’t fit into the stereotypical caricature that people believe all black people embody. I use proper grammar, I’m skinny, and I don’t care for “urban” culture.
In real life, most of the men who compliment me or who have been interested in me have been of a different race.

I kind of hate when I see posts from black women like this: “I’m black. Would you date me?” This is so sad and in my opinion, a little embarrassing because you come off as desperate. Just because you haven’t yet had success at dating doesn’t mean that all the people in your race also struggle.

It’s very ridiculous that people expect us all to be the same, but at the end of the day their opinion doesn’t matter. You don’t need to feel less valuable just because of someone else’s judgments and sometimes it’s not an issue of race. Even if it is, that’s just one person’s personal preference. You shouldn’t get hung up on what one person thinks.

Just my two cents.

  1. I mean it’s really illogical to think it’s a race thing. If that were true, wouldn’t those races have been “bred out” since no one finds them attractive?

    I live in LA and know a host of Black women and Indian men who have dates. The biggest player I know is Indian, short and balding. It’s all about what you’re doing in dating and your mindset.

    The Black women and Indian men I talk to on here tend to have 0 social circles or friends. So they don’t interact with a lot of people in general. Nor do anything outside of being on an app or 2 to get dates. Then they pull up the graphs and yadda yadda.

  2. I’m sure you have men interested in you.

    Interest is far different than marriage prospect. I don’t think women of any kind have an issue getting men interested in them.

    I’m a Black woman. I get hit on from time to time—doesn’t matter if I’m dressed up or in gym clothes. When I was on apps, I’d get a ton of matches. I’ve dated more white men than any other group.

    However, most men are open to sex or a short term fling if they don’t foresee themselves being with a woman of color forever.

    My problem (and I think a lot of Black woman’s problem) is with commitment—not with finding someone who wants to date them.

  3. Race (dis)advantages, but it doesn’t ruin your odds. Unless you’re the only POC in a 30 mile radius…then maybe it’s your race

  4. > I kind of hate when I see posts from black women like this: “I’m black.
    Would you date me?” This is so sad and in my opinion, a little
    embarrassing because you come off as desperate.

    Agree that’s it’s sad when people (of any race) do this an honestly probably self-serving as well. They’re probably fishing for pity points and validation of their victim status.

    That being said, race does matter in dating, so to go completely the other way and discount it altogether isn’t great either. We can be realistic about people’s racial preferences without going overboard.

  5. Is it true that non-white people have a tougher time in dating? If this is true, then why do non-white people, have a ‘white fetish’ then, which makes it harder for non white people to find partners, if others are into white people?

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