Not talking virgin stuff, but usually more in porn sometimes when the guy first puts his cock in a pussy before any thrusting happens, the girl gives out a loud moan and like an eye roll motion. Was wondering if that’s something that truly is that pleasurable or just another thing that is over exaggerated by porn stigmas?

  1. Hahaha I guess it depends on the guy and the girl themselves. But majority of the time it does feel good.

  2. For me, yes, it’s pleasurable. The first feeling of being filled up on that first entrance is amazing to me.

  3. Oh yeah it feels that good. Especially if there’s been good foreplay leading up to it.

  4. My girlfriend loves it (me too) but we have to do a lot of foreplay to reach that point. It’s like a bonding moment.

  5. It depends on how well the guy knows my body and how much lead up there was to it, but a lot of times yes it’s like that for me. It’s one of my favorite parts about sex tbh

  6. I do find it very compelling but I also like to be teased and made to beg for it, so when I finally get it it’s a great relief

  7. Oh yes, it really does fell that good. Like you’ve been feeling soooo empty and then you’re finally filled up. Ugh 🥲

  8. When it’s my boyfriend….hell yeah it does….every time and I’m not just talking that first one I’m talking every single one til that last one and then I’m sad cause it’s over.

  9. If this first stroke is heavily anticipated then yes it feels really good. Usually this means heavy foreplay or teasing prior. This is also obviously the stroke where I am the tightest so it can be painful if not ready, but it can be pleasurable if I am ready. It must be slow and controlled for it to elicit any moaning though. Usually with some good eye contact.

  10. My wife always seems to gasp and moan and roll her eyes on the initial full penetration of my penis.

    She typically likes to be on top for initial penetration and she will fully seat herself on my penis and just stop and kind of shudder and sigh and savor it.

    Porn can definitely exaggerate things.

    But, even as a guy, first penetration is the best. That initial feel of being enveloped. It is what everything has been building up to. And, I can only imagine it is the same for women.

  11. Yes.

    If anticipation has been built, and foreplay has happened, etc., especially yes.

    Definitely, absolutely yes. One of the best parts, really.

  12. It’s the final realization of the anticipation of sex. And that sometimes is better than the whole thing. So yeah

  13. It really does. It’s honestly my favorite part of sex.

    It’s like when you are finally able to scratch an itch that has been bothering you or you finally get a much needed massage to work out a knot in your neck.

    The first is always the best!

  14. Oh yes, it’s indescribably amazing! If I’m wet and ready for it it honestly feels so good I can hardly handle it, like I might die from pleasure

  15. I love it so much that I’ll ask for my bf to keep pulling out and sliding back in just so I can feel it. Sooooooo good!!!!

  16. It’s like scratching an itch that’s been swirling around for a bit. 10 out of 10 best feeling

  17. Depends on the leg work done before the entrance. If properly prepared then it’s extremely pleasurable because it’s like and instant fullness and you haven’t “adjusted”yet so it hits all of the sensitive spots and we are the tightest. Both “placements” are the same in that regards

  18. YES when DONE right. Some guys have really bad timing issues. Like just whipping a dick in all excited prematurely while in foreplay. But yeah when ya know the dick is coming.

  19. I really really like penetration. I don’t get an orgasm from it but I love it. And yeap, first one is special.

  20. It’s like heroin….first high is always the best…its 100000% psychological….best feeling ever

  21. After some heavy foreplay and some time between the last time I had sex…. Yes.
    It’s like getting an itch scratched that you’ve been waiting for all day 🥴

  22. Yes it really feels that good, it’s usually painful too and how much depends on how turned on I am but I love the feeling of being stretched like that

  23. Hell yeah. I mean I won’t scream like a porn star but I’ll definitely let out a moan from the bottom of my heart.

  24. Really depends on how much teasing/foreplay was involved it’s always pleasurable but if u want tht eye rolling head back moan u gotta make her really really want it

  25. The first thrust is by far the best part of sex for me 😩 oh my god it feels amazing!

  26. Yes it really does feel good. Yes! It’s like my pussy craves him so much and then he pushes himself in and it’s so exhilarating. I wish it could never end. Lol.

  27. Generally, yes. However, you’ll definitely get that response with the more dirty talk, the more teasing, the more tasting, the more fingering, the more torture, the more spanking, the more biting, the more hair-holding-neck-caressing-open-mouth-kissing, the more ‘almost but not quite…’ ——— and then ——— fuck, now I’m horny.

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