
I’m got married in 2020 and my husband and I kinda rushed into marriage. We got married a year after dating.

He never tells me that he loves me. NEVER. It’s always me who says that.. and sometimes he doesn’t even say I love you too.. if he does it sounds forced and he doesn’t even look at me while saying it.

He spends a lot of time with his phone when I’m sitting next to him trying to talk to him. I like to have conversations with him but I feel like I have to FORCE him to talk to me. He’d rather spend time with his phone or watch tv.

He belittles me and makes fun of my career choices (i’m a pedagogue student) he’s a very ‘money’ oriented person. He would never do anything without getting something in return. Meanwhile I voluntarily work in many charity organisations, which annoys him.

He rarely gives me compliments or gifts me something. Never buys me flowers although I tell him that I love flowers. The only time he’s affectionate is when he wants sex.

I never saw a genuine smile of him.. but I see it when he’s with other people..

Now you probably wonder why we got married. He would love bomb me in the beginning. He would buy me expensive stuff regularly and take me out on dates, shower me with compliments and even write poems for me. How can a person change so much?

I know for a fact that I’m not the kind of wife he desires. He’s very cultural and even a bit conservative. He always compares me to his friends wife who is a stay at home mom/wife, who cooks amazing traditional dishes from his home country (they’re from the same country meanwhile I’m not)
She’s very shy and doesn’t speak much. I have a very bubbly outgoing personality.

He’s not the first person I would go to when I have a problem because I know he won’t take me serious.

I tried to get a divorce a few months ago but he begged me to stay and told me he would change. He didn’t. I know that I’m not flawless, but so is he and I didn’t stop showing him that I care about him.

It feels good to get this off my chest.

  1. You gave him another chance, he didn’t take it. Sounds like it’s time to get divorced.

  2. I think you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect you. It was disgusting to read. You should not settle for less. Don’t

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