Trying to settle a friendly family disagreement lmao. I’m a firm believer that chocolate isn’t found in the fridge in shops so it shouldn’t be put in the fridge at home, unless it’s a hot day of course. But I also think that putting choc in the fridge ruins it a bit. Obviously family thinks opposite of this. What do you guys think 😬

  1. Chocolate belongs in the fridge or in the mouth. Nowhere else. (While keeping it family friendly)

  2. No. Unless it’s summer and you basically have no choice. Impairs the flavour if it’s cold.

  3. I think it depends on the ambient temperature, in winter it’s cool enough outside the fridge. In summer I don’t like it verging on melty.

  4. For me it depends what it is.

    Cadburys I have in the fridge because it just tastes rubbish now anyway. I actually prefer Whole Nut straight from the fridge!

    Toblerone is in a cupboard because otherwise you can’t snap the triangles off.

    Milka is hit and miss depending on if it’s plain or had Daim pieces in.

    Galaxy doesn’t go in the fridge unless it’s warm.

  5. I keep it in the fridge to avoid an accidental melting, but when I’m going to eat it, i leave it out for about an hour so it returns to room temperature

  6. I used to work with Lindt, and their instructions were never to put chocolate in the fridge. Personally, I like putting a bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk in and eating it once it’s rock hard so it melts.

  7. Do you want it in the fridge? Then put it in there. Why is there always so much conversation on UK subs about whether or not someone should or shouldn’t eat something a certain way. It’s just food.

    Personally, though, it depends on the season.

  8. Yes if chocolate solid, no if chocolate caramel or other such substance that needs to be goopy.

  9. In general, no.

    But I must admit I DO like a cold Snickers – Get’s really chewy and stops me eating the damn thing in 5 seconds! xD

  10. You treat it like a steak. Store it in the fridge buy let it reach room temp before consuming

  11. Nope, definitely doesn’t go in the fridge. It goes in a cupboard away from sunlight so it can’t melt.

  12. when i lived in egypt for a bit, we had to keep chocolate in the fridge because of the heat and the ants (who would chew through the packaging to get to food.) unless you have an actual reason, the default storage place for chocolate the cupboard.

  13. Yes if it’s thin, like the cheapest bars you get out of Tesco or Aldi. If it’s chunky then no, as it becomes impossible to eat without sucking it or breaking your teeth. Like eating concrete.

  14. Hell no. Room temperature chocolate releases flavour quicker and doesn’t shatter the life out of your teeth. Two major wins right off the bat.

  15. Chocolate should be room temperature but also not melted. Most of the year here it doesn’t need to be in the fridge

  16. Ruins it – no delicious, melty mouth feel if you chill it. We had an amazing lindt experience in the hot weather – liquid chocolate within the shell – bliss! Would have completely missed it if they’d been relegated to the fridge.

  17. I’ve always found that chocolate tastes worse when chilled. Chocolate drinks even more so. They just taste like chemicals when chilled, but once warmed up a bit they taste more natural again.

  18. you can put chocolate in the fridge or even the freezer.

    but you must let it come back to room temperature before eating for the best flavour.


    i eat a lot of chocolate (and also was a chef)

  19. I personally love cold chocolate from the fridge but I get it isn’t for everyone. One of my uni mates used to keep malteasers in the freezer and I really liked the extra crunch you got from them

  20. Hell yeah it does!

    And by the way , so do Haribo Tangfastics.

    There’s nothing like a chilled, firm, fizzy cherry. Good grief! 🤤🤤

  21. Ideally it should be warm enough to be soft, but not squishy. So outside the fridge is better.

  22. Depends on the chocolate. Twirls and flakes are obvious fridge dwellers. Galaxy caramel. Buttons.

    Milky ways are the classic borderline case.

    Anyone who puts a Mars bar or a snickers in the fridge is a pyschopath.

  23. I believe Cadbury came out and said you shouldn’t store theirs in the fridge. I’m with you even if they hadn’t haha

  24. Totally personal preference! We keep it and eat it pretty much straight from the fridge as both of us find that chocolate at close to room temperature is simply too sweet (yes, the sweetness-sensation is impacted by temperature, it’s a thing!). I like the slight crack when biting into cold chocolate and find the feel of almost-already-melting chocolate really cloying.

  25. Spent time delivering chocolate to RDC’s years ago and if you delivered it chilled ( 5 degrees) it would be rejected.

    Only time you had your fridge on is iff it was a hot day, then on around 10 degrees iirc ( years ago ).

    Going by that chocolate should not be refrigerated.

  26. Cheap chocolate in the fridge, expensive stuff in a cool cupboard if at all possible

  27. Chocolate is to be stored at normal room temperature. Fact.
    This is what Maltesers were made for… if they end up stuck together in the pack then the environment is too warm.

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