I’m a 22 year old male that’s had a history of performance anxiety and an unhealthy past relationship with porn and as a result I sometimes can’t get it up or stay hard. And sometimes suffer from finishing too fast. I’m decent looking and am pretty healthy. However I’ve gone thru a couple relationships and a few hook ups in the past and those problems went away for a while but I’ve taken a few months off of all that to work on myself. For the first time in 3 years since I was 19, I’ve caught feelings for a girl that I’ve seen recently and when we hooked up for the first time, it was not good on my end. I finished way too quickly, literally in the second position and because of said feelings I get nervous and anxious which brings back performance anxiety in full force. I was able to help her finish was well with my hands but that performance before that was so bad.

As a result, I really need to do well tonight to make up for it and hopefully get it up faster. I have a chewable pills from Blue Chew (6 mg) and a Packet of Royal Honey and was wondering which of these would be more potent and help me perform tonight and go rounds? If anyone has some feedback I’d greatly appreciate it. Maybe some nice words to calm the nerves as well..

  1. I know this is hard (lol), but talking about it really helps.

    I had performance anxiety at some point, and talking it out with the girl really made the difference. Ofc, assuming she’s not an asshole.

    BTW, finishing in the second position is not necessarily bad. With my partner we rarely do more than 2 positions and that’s ok. For us some manual/oral warm up and a couple of positions is the way to go. Sometimes even one position. And we are perfectly happy and content with it.
    There’s this missconception that everybody wants to fuck for 2h… usually not the case.

  2. I would avoid using those. Just communicate with your partner that you’re working through some performance problems but you’ll do what you can to make sure you both have a good time. It might take time to readjust your body and mind to associate sex with how you get off instead of porn and I think adding in random drugs will just make that process harder.

    If your partner is worth your feelings and having sex with, they should understand and have some patience.

    Additionally, you keep mentioning you have performance problems, but what does your partner say? Did they enjoy sex with you? It sounds like you did the right thing by continuing to help your partner after you came. It’s possible your concerns are entirely in your head and your partner is already happy.

  3. Hey dude, definitely been where you are.

    One thing to note that the blue chew and honey are likely to increase blood flow to your penis which is awesome for a nice hard boner for your partner to enjoy but bear in mind that when we are at max rigidity, we are more likely to orgasm faster (more surface area =more sensation exposure) . If you’re taking those to last longer , those won’t help but would help you get to round two.

    For the duration side i guess chat with your girl , does she want you to go for longer? If she does then you can either have a pre game tug, spend more time on fore play on her so she is likely to cum faster also and possibly even look into kegels/reverse kegels which have been shown to give better orgasm control (though don’t over do it on standard kegels as if you go too tight it can have the reverse effect).

    Either way, have fun out there

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