F (28F) and I (28F) have been best friends for more than a decade. We live in different cities but talk (usually) at least twice a week. Despite the current situation, F has always a great, kind, and supportive friend.

F married her high school sweetheart last year. Obviously they were together for a looong time and went through many ups and downs before deciding to get married. I guess this makes F feel like she has some authority on relationship advice because she gives it. A lot.

My boyfriend S (28M) and I have been together for two-ish years. We have taken things pretty slow. A few weeks ago, F basically confronted me about our trajectory. She was worried I’m wasting my/S’s time. I mostly wanted to just NOT talk about it so I told her the truth: “we’re just doing what feels right. We’re happy, I promise.” She dropped it but she made an unhappy face.

Then, last week, S brought up moving in together within the next year. It was the first time we’d talked about it and i was excited! I told F about it and despite what she said earlier, she was not happy. She said I was “in a hurry” and being too “casual” about a serious decision. I told her that it was just our first conversation and that was also bad because it’s been too long, so S and I should have talked about it earlier. She ended the conversation by saying that I was being “reckless” and basically saying she would tell my mom (my mom won’t care—I am 28 years old).

I’ve reached out to her several times since last week, but she hasn’t responded at all. I’m mostly just hurt and confused because she really is such a great friend. Am I missing something?

Edit: formatting

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