it’s not that i dislike people but it’s more so i just don’t care. obviously, certain people irritate me more than others but in general, i just have no interest in your day, what you did on the weekend or just any of your stories. for example, in one of my classes, this girl keeps talking to me and it is starting to irritate me i can’t lie. i hate getting close to people and she’s trying get closer to me and i don’t like it. there are people that i do get along with and the vibes are great but they’re all miles away from me now since i moved some place else. we have things in common, similar humor and all that. i feel like not many things make me genuinely laugh but they do and it’s great. this girl however, i can already tell that it’s someone i don’t want to spend too much time with because she drains my energy but now she’s inviting me to do stuff with her and her friends and whatever and i have a hard time saying no and since we are in the same class, it’s not like i can avoid her. help

  1. Being an adult it’s about being surrounded by people we don’t actually like. Job or family even.

    We all get that one one way or another.

  2. Bro. Just tell her *no*. It’s a dick move to despise spending time with someone and yet *continue to spend time with them*. From her perspective, she’s trying her best to make a connection with somebody. Think of how you would feel in her shoes.

    You can’t avoid her but you don’t have to engage in conversation. Blunt replies and not smiling (or a very cold, obviously fake smile) before turning back to your work and turning away from her will do the trick in no time to turn her off from talking to you.

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