Today was my first day in college, and due to some circumstances I joined a month later. And god, it’s so hard to get close to people. All I can see is how different we are. I’m 19, but young people these days are kinda unrelatable ngl. Idk. Maybe I’m so stressed and pessimistic because it’s the first day, but I can see how everything goes south and I become an outcast….. I really hope that won’t happen mannnnnn. Why am I not just an outgoing fun person??? Everything would’ve been so much easier……

  1. Sounds like you are well adjusted and don’t need “enhancements”. You’ve probably spent more time in the real world than those people you want to be friends with. I don’t know. Keep that in mind.

  2. Hi dude here, just start uni as well but started at the beginning. You didn’t miss any big friendship event or something, everyone is in the same boat when it comes to knowing no one and being alone the first little while

  3. You’re being too hard on yourself. Just be yourself and stop making yourself uncomfortable by being someone your not. Find a friend in your class or anyone you get along with, and try to be their friend. Do this for all your classes. Open yourself up and allow people to want to be with you and don’t show signs of being impatient.

  4. People’s friend groups change a lot during the first year. Once you join a club, have a group project, go to a few events that interest you, you will find your crowd. It’s also possible you may find different crowds for different things. I had a few different friend/acquaintance groups that rarely crossed paths but only like 3 really close friends throughout the years

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