I’ve had a low sex drive for all my life (32F) and its becoming a problem. I thought it was because of birth control pills. I’d been on them since I was 15 for period cramps. I stopped taking them about 16 months ago once I got my tubes tied. Turns out, it wasn’t the pills.

I want to want to have sex. I’ve been with my husband for 8 years and I feel terrible that he’s not getting any sex except maybe once a month. It was once a week, but I just can’t get in the mood for some reason. I started taking anti anxiety meds three years ago and I’m sure they lower sex drive, so there’s that.

All this is to ask, should I go see a sex therapist or just go straight to a gyno or doctor for some kind of medication? My husband found some sort of sex drive increasing pill for women online available by prescription. Any advice is welcome!

  1. the online stuff probably isn’t going to work. I would definitely check with the OBGYN but I think sex therapy is probably the most useful.

  2. Yeah if it’s an SSRI they pretty much all have a lower libido as a known possible side effect.

    As for the libido for women pill, it exists: flibanserin.
    It’s a bit controversial since it has some serious side effects. It was also rejected by the FDA TWICE because the side effects were deemed to outweigh the benefits. Do your research and talk to your doctor.

  3. I’d see a doctor. It could be a hormonal thing. With no fear of pregnancy, a lot of women at 32 would be rarin’ to go.

  4. That’s great you want to do something about it! You see as many professionals as it takes! He will love you ever more for it:)

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