How do you react when your partner is upset?

  1. Ask if she’s on her period and tell her to stop acting like a bitch

    It always calms them down, try it

  2. I will always ask what’s wrong and then simply shut up and listen. 99% of the time they aren’t looking for a “fix”, they just want to be heard, and 60% of the time it has almost nothing to do with me.

  3. I put on the bomb squad suit, and then proceed to poke her with a stick like an angry bear. Then go to bed, because clearly if that didn’t work, then there was nothing wrong to begin with.

  4. Listen to her and tell her to just calm down. I find they appreciate it when someone reminds them that they are overreacting

  5. I give her the space she needs to feel the emotions she’s feeling. And I ask her if there anything I can do for her or the situation.

  6. Annoy the hell out of her even if she asks not to be bothered. Eventually, she breaks a smile and I know I’ve done my job.

  7. Well I mean it depends if you caused it or not lol

    Most women just want you to listen, they don’t want you to give your opinion or solve their problem, just listen, and then when they’re done venting, say something like “I’m sorry that happened to you babe, that’s so tough, come here” and then give her a big hug, kiss her forehead, tell her that you love her and if it’s appropriate you can try to make her laugh and boost her mood…most guys react by trying to fix things and then we think “why the fuck is she made, I was just trying to help” because we’re fixers and when we’re upset that’s what we want to do…women aren’t men, they don’t want you to fix anything at that moment, they just want to feel how their feeling, they want to feel like you understand them, and they want to feel loved…that’s it.

    After she cools off you ask her “Do you want my opinion on what I think you should do?” and then let her decide but otherwise just don’t bother…9/10 times she will say “ok, what would you do” but don’t try to fix anything unless she gives your the green light.

  8. I empathize and listen. I don’t try to fix her problems, but I do try to find and point out the humor in the situation. I find if she’s too angry or upset to handle the situation, helping her to see the humor in it will usually help her to look at it with a clearer head and figure out what she needs to do about it.

    I’m no comedian, but we do end up laughing off a lot of our problems. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

  9. If it’s a man you stay away until they get it our of their systems. If it’s a woman you grab a shovel cause you gotta dig deep for it.

  10. Remember an errand to run, need cash at an ATM or go to hardware store.

    Then go to hotel, watch the big game on tv. Come back the next day claiming amnesia.

  11. It’s depended on circumstance. I mostly try to identify the problem and fix it as soon as possible. I’ve learned that this is usually not the best way to approach things.

  12. Listen.

    Ask if she wants support, advice, or comfort. Give her what she wants.

    Then bake cookies.

  13. I take my advice from Donna Meagle (Parks and Rec). Listen, make eye contact, and sincerely say “that sucks.” Works every time as long as I’m not the one who fucked up.

  14. Depends on what is wrong..

    So i’ll ask her what’s up. If i already took the hints: Examples

    On her period: buy her chocolate

    Hangry/hungry: Buy her a snack if i’m on my way to her.

    Exhausted from the kids/rough day: i’ll do the dishes and suggest buying take out or cooking something simple.

    I remember her being hangry, complaining about the long day and not being able to eat. So bought her a nice sandwich.

    She got in the car and started venting.. she was so mad at life lol. So i grabbed the sandwich from the backseat of the car. Her eyes lit up. I gave her the 10 minutes she needed to eat and well she was her normal self again.

    When it was a family argument i just listened. Held her tight against me and told het we would make it together. Suggested doing something fun and we had a nice night out together.

    Just listen to the cues. I guess this applies to most people in general. Most people unconciously give you hints as to whats wrong.

  15. give them some alone time if you think they want it. later, comfort them and encourage conversation.

  16. Ask them what’s wrong, if/how I can help or just be present with them while they let their emotions out.

  17. Disengage in an unhealthy manor. Thankfully she is a very understanding and patient person.

  18. Depends, ask her what’s wrong and then do natural noise cancellation with your ears because your going to have to listen for the next 30 mins and then end with telling her sorry and then offer a hug or something.

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