As per the title, what is the best way to have a close friend that remains platonic? Are there any necessary boundaries or things you’d suggest doing?

  1. ” I just want to make this clear boundary, that this friendship is strickly platonic and has no way of moving forward into a romantic relationship.”

    Is something i have said

  2. Well, if your “friend” is clearly willing to be more than friends – don’t touch them, and step away if they try to do it themselves. When hugging, hold your body far from theirs. Don’t sit too close to them. Also avoid ambiguos social situations, like balroom dancing or going to their place if you’re the only person invited.

  3. I just don’t treat them sexually, and if they make a play for it, I shut them down.

    ETA: never wanting to date people is the default setting. I treat people I want to date differently.

  4. don’t date them, don’t lead them on, don’t act like their girlfriend….just treat them like a friend.

  5. You can’t control other people’s feelings. You can only control yourself, so don’t flirt with them, no cuddling or hand holding etc. how they respond to you simply being a friend isn’t in your control.

  6. By treating them like friends, i.e. not showing any romantic interest, not flirting with them, not dating them and clarifying my boundaries again if needed.

    My friendships are platonic by default. I’m very straightforward and if I have feelings for someone and am interested in pursuing a romantic relationship instead, they’ll know because I tell them.

  7. I don’t stay friends with guys who like me. It never ends well.
    Friendship is not a casual thing.
    If there’s a basis for friendship sure, but otherwise I don’t.
    If I need to set boundaries, you’re not my friend.

  8. I talk about how gay I am and how much I love my girlfriend and our toddlers, and most of my friends are straight

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