I (25F) have been dating my bf (26M) for a month. This week, he has not been texting me or calling me. Recently, he texted me saying he’s sorry for not getting back to me cause he has a lot of stuff to deal with. I try asking what’s going on and try to help if possible but he just won’t reply to my text or call. At this point I don’t know how to reach him now. Should I just stop and just wait for him to reach me? I’m really worried about him.

TLDR: bf not texting/calling back when he hinted he got a lot of stuff to deal with. No idea how to help.

  1. Do you have any idea what he could be referring to that he’s “dealing with?” It sounds like he’s ghosting you and it’s not fair for you to have to be waiting around for him to respond to you whenever he feels like it. Trust is a big deal in a relationship and he’s not even trusting you enough to tell you what’s going on.

    Personally, I’d let him know that I don’t feel like dating is a good time for either of us right now, but I’m still there for him for whatever support he needs. Maybe try dating again once he’s done dealing with whatever he’s dealing with.

  2. If he really is dealing with stuff, you’ve done your part by reassuring him that you’re there for him. Everyone copes with life challenges differently, him pushing you away is natural.

    Your relationship is really new, so it’s understandable that you’re at a loss of how to be there for him. Men are like elastic bands, they’ll push you away and make you their last priority until they inevitably bounce back. When he does hit you up, be cheerful and happy to hear from him, but only put in as much effort as he is putting in. Fill your time with other priorities. I hope it works out for you.

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