I grew up in a low-income family in the Midwest, worked hard to get into a top university, studied computer science, and joined top technology companies. I’m now 27 years old and even want to build my own company, too. However, recently I caught up with my Midwest friends and they made me realize I already “made it,” and that I should get a girlfriend, start traveling, going to concerts, and overall start enjoying life again.

Does my story sound incredibly strange? The fact that I’ve single-mindedly been focusing on work from ages 21 to 27 non-stop?

  1. Is it strange no, but if you’re unsatisfied go ahead and apply that single minded focus to something you enjoy. Figure out what it is and do it.

    I would caution listening too much about what your friends say what you should be doing with your life though.

  2. Sounds good to me. You’re 27. If you want to now focus more on something else a good idea would be to join a club or two. It won’t take away all your time, but it will get you into the game.

  3. If you hadnt caught up w your friends, would you have questioned any of this? Do you feel fulfilled at the end of the day with what you were able to accomplish at work? In other words, until it was pointed out what you dont have, were you content with what you currently have and the trajectory of the next couple years as it stood?

  4. I will say this my friend; don’t let other people tell you if your life is good or not. Go at your own pace, your own decisions, you determine your happiness.

    Yes you’ve accomplished a lot but, that doesn’t mean you’ve reached your limit; you are limitless and don’t let others make you think other wise.

    In terms of “enjoying life” do what you believe is right. Enjoy what you personally like. If you want to find a girlfriend now then go for it but, understand you don’t have to rush either. As a matter of fact it’s better to take things slow anyway so you’re doing great.

    recommendations are great from people but, they shouldn’t determine what makes you happy and what your limit is. Remain a good person and do your best my friend 😀

  5. From st.louis, elecical engineer, and now a specialist on cyclotrons… I started my family at 28 (4 daughters and wife now) and I’m GLAD I did. Life doesn’t get better after 35, unless you wanna be some “liver king” fellow. Find a woman who can tolerate your bullshit, marry her, and make some intelligent kids to offset the idiocrocy happening already.

  6. When you look a little deeper, you’ll realize that you “made it” precisely because you *didn’t* have a gf, travel, go to concerts, etc.

    This is the way life works in your 20s.

    That being said, there is much more to life than just work work work and job positions and paychecks, so be sure to take time off to enjoy life every now and then.

  7. No, there are many hard driven men: who in their mid 30’s or early 40’s decide to settle down, after building up a life for themselves and their future families: I think it’s quite honorable… With the way science is now, women can have children in their 40’s and parents who tend to be a bit older, tend to also have more patience. That said, though men are known to be able to have children all through their lives, that doesn’t mean the older you get the less probability of correlating birth defects or probability to mental illness that occurs, cause there is more probability to such mind weakness. So where later life birth keeps a woman younger longer, later birth as per older fathers can lead to disability of child.. So if you feel like waiting till your 30’s or mid 30’s I’m fine with that. Remember, though older men aren’t unattractive fathers: time does have a toll on men, and you may find the older you get, if you push past 40, the less attractive procreation may look to you as per energy level and norm of life style. Just remember, men are expected to keep completely chaste until they are married.

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