I just moved to a new state where I absolutely know no one. I like to think of myself as a sociable person, however I’m very self reserved, and won’t start a convo unless the other person seems like they don’t mind being approached. My following hobbies consist of working on vehicles, hiking, and going out to different diners. Yes I have tried joining clubs in the area, however I haven’t had much luck. Are there any specific places I should look to maybe strike up a convo with someone? Any places that I should avoid? I’m open to all advice.

I should also add that I am a truck driver, so I spend a lot of time on the road. However I usually spend atleast 1 full day a week at my house. That’s when I try to be social.

I’m just looking for some ideas as to where I can approach people other then the generic bars and party’s, as I don’t frequent those areas often.

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