Guys of Reddit, when entering a new relationship, what do you want that person to know before hand?

  1. I’m very nonchalant, so there probably will be times where it may come off like idc.. I do tho lol

  2. Since I’m a dwarf, that it’s ok for them to be a bit awkward, trip up on things they say or feel a bit self conscious out in public, or just acknowledging my dwarfism. I’m not going to be mad. A lot of people are terrified of offending me and walk on eggshells as a result. I’ve been through waaaaay way worse than anything a well-meaning person is going to do or say to me. A green flag for me is when they even take the piss and feel comfortable joking about it. It makes me feel like they see me as an equal.

  3. They need to know (and should know if we’re about to start a relationship) that my life is boring and I’m not a conversation starter no matter how hard I try.

  4. That I want to spend time with them. I want to build a strong relationship and my love languages are time and physical touch.

  5. Bodycount, std‘s, disabilities that aren’t apparent, life goals and wanted life in the future.

  6. I want them to know that they’re an extension or compliment to my life and that they’re not completing me

  7. I’m not interested in marriage, procreation, or cohabiting. Not negotiable.

    I have really good boundaries, and feel free to express them. I’m direct, I believe in good communication, and I will spend absolutely no time trying to decode hints or any of that – if you haven’t specifically mentioned the issue to me, there is no issue as far as I’m concerned.

    I’m content single, so I’m not motivated to jump through any hoops or deal with any hassle to be with or around you.

    If you’re on some bull shit, I just walk.

  8. I am probably still trying to figure things out. I tend to move slowly in relationships compared to other guys. Be patient while I process things.

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