Yesterday I (junior, male) just had homecoming at my high school, and I couldn’t feel more lonely about it. Everyone seems to have a partner and I don’t, and I have know idea what I’m doing wrong.

I’ve read advice from people saying that the best way to go about it is to not try to get a date, but to just wait for someone to come to you. Is this really the right way to do it? I mean I’ve been trying and it’s gotten me nowhere. Idk it’s all very confusing and frustrating and I’m just lost.

As someone who’s been playing guitar for 3 years I’ve kinda come to the conclusion that the only way to get a girl to like me is if I play at a show or something, I’ve always fantasized about it but I’ve never found a band.

Idk what do you guys think?

  1. When they say not to try to get a date, they mean make female friends that you don’t just want to date. Then once you’re friends you can consider asking them out(if you like them. Them being a girl is not enough to make a relationship).

  2. The real trick is to go to social events that you actually think you’re going to enjoy. Join a club, a gym, any kind of group and mingle with them instead. I’ve skipped several party nights in favor of a good book, on the flip side I’ve spent many all nighters with people I chose to be with, on my own time.

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