Men, how long did you take to introduce to your family the girl you were serious about?

  1. There is no set answer, but it generally depends on how serious the relationship is and how close the families are. If it is a very serious relationship, it might be appropriate to introduce the girl to the family relatively quickly. However, if the relationship is less serious or the families are not particularly close, it might take longer to introduce the girl to the family.

  2. I think I introduced my now-wife less than a month after we started dating. But I also still lived at home, so there wasn’t much of a choice other than sneaking her in my room.

  3. My mom? After the first date and any woman would love her.

    The rest of the family? **Never.** Socially awkward and embarrassing presences to endure.

  4. I’m not sure. I met her parents around one year into our relationship at Thanksgiving and I believe she met my mom the next year. Neither of us lived near to our families and I only see my own mom every couple of years once I moved out of the dorms. We’ve been together 9 years now and things from that long ago are kinda blurry.

  5. It depends wildly. One I introduced after 2 weeks. Another after few months. Current gf didn’t get introduced yet and its been over a year.

  6. We met in February, she met them in June. Probably would have been sooner if they lived close by but we made a vacation out of it. I had met her parents shortly before then, her mom at least. I had met her dad separately.

  7. I never introduced my parents to my college gf

    It took me a little more than a year to muster up the courage to introduce them to my later in life boyfriend, now husband

  8. Only one they’ve ever met was a setup from family (2 uncles worked with her) so everyone knew about her from the start. As a result I didn’t wait too long to introduce her to family and brought her to a free event my mom and some others were going to just a few weeks in. Turned out she was a complete train wreck behind the scenes (her driver’s license was suspended, car wasn’t licensed or insured, couldn’t manage money whatsoever, etc.) so that didn’t work out. But normally I’m slow about that. This past summer I dated a girl for about two months, things seemed to be going great so I shared some pictures of us together out on a camping trip about a month in and that’s how my family found out she existed. Was supposed to meet my family at a BBQ at about the 2 month mark but she abruptly cut things off immediately before that. My family is always overly welcoming so generally they don’t get to meet any female friends or dates unless I feel like things are going great or their a friend that has multiple major dealbreakers.

  9. When they felt comfortable and wanted to meet them. It’s intimidating meeting partners family for the first time for a lot of people. The last thing I wanna do is pressure them to even if I do want to show them off to my family straight away

  10. I never told my family I had a gf. They all figured it out through social media and rumors. I still haven’t introduced her to all of my family members at once. After about 4 months she met my mom at a social event and my brother and dad when I brought her to my house. We ran into one of my sisters at the mall and she is still yet to meet my oldest sister in person. 3 years together.

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