What is the best career advice you have ever gotten?

  1. Find a hole and fill it. Meaning once you have satisfied the requirements of your role, find some area in which a process is lacking or could be more efficient, and just take the initiative to solve it. This more than anything has led to my moving up my career ladder

  2. Job experience is (usually) more valuable than degrees and certifications.

    It was best put to me as “a degree is just another letter of recommendation.”

  3. No one is going to give me the money I want to make, I need to go find someone who’s willing to pay it, which more than likely isn’t going to be your current employer since they already have you for the what you get, even if it’s not what you want.

  4. The work world is a lot smaller than you’d expect. Don’t burn bridges to relationships that may come back to you in the future.

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