I’m an 18M and I went to prom with this classmate who I didn’t know too well. The night went okay – it could have been worse. We did talk a bit but I ended up talking more to her friends as I’d known her friends for longer and they were more talkative and confident. She however was really quiet and I was too so the night could have been better, but it wasn’t bad.

Anyway, she hasn’t texted back in 2 days which is disappointing. However, I’m seeing her in class tomorrow and I just really want to make sure we can put the night aside and be friends. I know many guys aren’t interested in becoming friends with a girl, but she is actually really kind and friendly.

How do I ask her to just be friends?

  1. Bro! My junior prom went with this cute stoner chick who always say beside me in math class. Things didn’t go so well, it was just a kind of awkward most of the night. Honestly, I just wasn’t super confident and it showed. Anyway next day in class she switches seats to somewhere else. One of my friends who sat on my other side says ” Oof, I guess it didn’t go so well.” This wasn’t really helpful for you but you just unlocked an embarrassing memory and I had to share.

  2. Don’t ask, just be friendly. If you don’t know how to be friendly with her, then it would be hard to be friends anyway.

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