hi everyone! i’ve been seeing this guy for a while now, and we’re going on our third date this week. i really like him, and we get along really well. he off handedly mentioned his favorite band and that his favorite drink is beer. so when i was out shopping the other day, i came across a beer pint with the band on it, and i thought it too good an opportunity to pass up.

here’s the thing— looking online a lot of people seem to think it’s way too serious and might scare the other person off since it’s not their birthday or anything. but the thing is, it was literally less than $10, and he already has spent $60~ paying for my food/drinks on the dates we’ve been on so far.

i just picked it up casually, and i’m not exactly going to present it to him like a declaration of love. i get my friends and people around me gifts all the time, and 99% of the time it’s just something i pass by in a store.

so long story short, should i give it to him? or give it some time. if the latter, when would it be appropriate? i know he’ll like it, i just don’t wanna scare him off.

  1. Maybe a small gift, around £15-£20 (whatever that is in dollars), like a book he likes, for example, not a book exactly, but you know what i mean, something he or a general man would like. I wouldn’t do it if you don’t think your going anywhere with this person. Be absolutely certain. A small thoughtful gift isn’t outrageous on the 3rd date.

    As a man also, I would NOT spend $60 on a woman who I only plan to sleep with. Unless $60 is a drop in the ocean for him, it sounds like he really likes you

  2. That’s a genuine and sweet way of showing your appreciation, you keep up that train of thought and you two could be great together. Nothing makes a man feel appreciated like something in return for doing even the smallest things like paying for a meal, your a keeper yourself for doing this

  3. Absolutely give it to him. It’s super thoughtful of you! He’s a deadhead, after all, and will definitely appreciate it!

  4. Go for it girl. You picked it up casually so just present it that way. He’ll appreciate the hell out of it for sure. Good on you ☺️

  5. I don’t think giving him a $10 gift to be thoughtful would drive him away. And literally dude, IF he felt that was “too much” then he’s not the guy for you cause that’s real ridiculous!! You’re just trying to be nice and caring. Now if it was some expensive gift then I’d say too soon but not a $10 gift! Do it, he will probably appreciate it

  6. Buying people gifts is part of your personality. If he gets scared off that easily then screw him.

  7. Hmm, hold onto it just a bit longer and give after a couple more dates. Seems like your love language is giving gifts etc and seems heartfelt, sweet and thoughtful. I’d love something like that from someone but not the 3rd date.

  8. That sounds like the exact type of gift good for a third date. “Hey, it’s nothing too special but it made me think of you!” It’s sweet, it’s personal, it’s light hearted.

  9. One girl I meet once, before anything happen gift me a huge box of chocolates!

    Jeez it was the most shocking moment I ever sense, because I didn’t know how to react. Really heart-warming

    After a third date could be something super nice or super scary, it’s depends what kind of people you’re dealing with, I think is cute and something who need come with the appropriate approach of course ;).

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