I met her in a game and unfortunately gave her my contact info. She’s always trying to talk, but we just didn’t click. She doesn’t seem to get it, and I wouldn’t expect it from someone who barely even lets you get a word in. Talking to her is very one-sided once the conversation picks up. I think she shares way too much about her life with some random stranger, and not only am I disinterested but I also feel some pressure to open up as well. I don’t want to.

She’s sending me all these pics which would make me think she was hitting on me, except she mentioned having a boyfriend. Even then, I’m not attracted to her.

I hate ghosting. I hate blocking / unfriending unless someone is being arrogant. She is being nice, but it’s just annoying. Ugh.

It would be nice to just keep the friendship to the game and chat for like 5 minutes whenever I’m online, but she’s constantly trying to start a conversation and I’m not interested.

  1. I’d say mention it to her. Consider that she might not be aware of the kind of presence she has – she could think you’re just a good listener and is happy to have found someone who does. Or that you are fine with just letting her go on and on.

    So I’d say the first step is make her aware of it. Which is easier said than done, but the benefit of the doubt might be helpful overall.

    Next time she sends pics mention that context – that you’d almost think she was flirting with you, or bring her bf up somehow.

    Just thoughts and options.

  2. If you don’t click, then not replying is the kindest thing you can do. Because your other options are A. bluntly tell her she talks too much and overshares and you don’t click, or B. sloooooooowly turning her down more often if she asks to play games, leaving her messages on read for longer and longer, and leaving shorter replies that are obviously less enthusiastic.

    You are never going to wake up one day and be excited to talk to her.

  3. If she’s been openly flirty to early and sharing too many pics maybe she is trying some kind of not very legal stuff.

    Don’t share personal information and I recommend you to do a research over those pics to prove those are not stolen.

    Block or ghosting someone because is pushing your limits is the right thing to do.

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