What happens when the amish decide to expand their lands with the state?

  1. Do you believe the Amish are planning a land grab?

    They buy it. Just like any other person.

  2. The Amish don’t live on reservations. They live on land that they buy and own.

    They can buy as much land as they want. If there isn’t enough land in their immediate vicinity, they sell and move.

    More frequently, when they have rifts and disagreements in the community, they mutually split. The group that agrees to leave often pool their resources to buy big plots of land elsewhere. There are big Mennonite colonies in Northern Mexico for this reason.

  3. They buy land like anyone else.

    They are not like Native Americans, who have very specific legal rights and sovereignty over their lands based on the idea that they were here before the United States and have certain legal rights based on that status.

    The Amish have no special legal status like that, they’re just a subculture that decides to keep mostly to themselves on their own land.

  4. I think you may be confused about Amish property ownership. We don’t have Amish reservations, or designated Amish zones for Amish people. They own (or rent) land, just like everybody else. In areas with significant Amish populations, it is very normal for Amish and non-Amish to live and work among each other, have personal relationships between each other, and do business with each other.

    They do tend to cluster in relatively small areas, simply because their preferred modes of transportation limit the distance they can easily travel.

  5. The Amish own land the same way anyone else does. They don’t have their own governments or anything like that.

  6. They mount their horses at night and lay out piles of apple butter in the town they wish to conquer to fatten up and lull the defenders into a sense of comfort and fond memories. A few days hence, they mount up at dawn, pitchforks lowered to the horizon and charge beard long into the town center where they promptly raise a new town hall fashioned in the typical farm barn fashion to stake their claim.

  7. The same as if I decide to expand my land. You save money and buy it.

    The Amish don’t have some kind of separate country. They’re just citizens with a different and very distinctive set of beliefs.

  8. I don’t understand the question. Property laws apply to the Amish just like they do to any other American.

  9. They’ll just buy more land because they’re normal American citizens without any sort of special status with the government.

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