I was just wondering as I was watching a video about child birth. Apparently it dilates to 10 cm which looks huge, I was wondering if it returns to its normal size afterwards, or if you can even tell if you’ve had a baby or not a year later. I have also wondered if you become any looser in that area to a noticeable degree. I have read conflicting things and it made me curious because I’m quite nervous to give birth one day. Thank you <3

  1. Had 4 kids naturally birth, never noticed anything change because of birth.
    It goes back to what it was in time.

  2. 3 kids naturally here, I had some scarring but other than that, back to normal. Last guy I slept with asked me how I can have had 3 kids and still be so tight lol not sure if he was serious or just trying to make hot talk. But even with tearing and stitches, it went back to normal.

  3. As with everything in life it depends, some women have a easier delivery and birth, other can get complications.

    There can be tearing (some quite severly) but the doctors try to mitigate the risks as much as they can.
    There are alot of risk factors that goes into it, but age is the most previlalent from the meta study i am reading.

    Remeber that the risk of tearing (depending on how you define it) is quite low.
    And most of the cases with tearing (3 and 4th category) are for women with more than one birth.

    It can be influenced by your age, ethnicity, weight gain during pregnancy, your physical health and alot of other smaller factor.
    Oh and a womans body is quite superbly built for delivery both with helping ease the after effects etc 🙂

    So to answer your question:
    It can change, but the vagina and uterus are very good at their job of contracting / expanding.

  4. It’s really not PC to call it naturally. How your vagina changes post vaginal delivery depends entirely on how badly injured you get. I lost a certain amount of feeling and have so visible scarring around the opening and on the labia although I can’t feel the scarring any more. I was obviously looser for a while post birth, the vagina doesn’t dilate (you’re thinking of the cervix) but it does have to stretch to accommodate the baby. I was back to normal pretty quick though in that respect. Another temporary change that people don’t tell you about is the bruising, if you feel like you need someone to check down there because you’re worried stitch isn’t healing right or something get your midwife to check, don’t look yourself. But it can get much worse. Injuries like fissures or prolapse sit at the extreme end of potential changes.

  5. Had vaginal birth and actually became so tight afterward that it was hard to be intimate. Don’t worry your body knows what to do.

  6. Despite everyone telling me how tight they still were after kids…I only have 1 kid and I have a irreparably damaged vagina due to traumatic child birth. I’ve had reconstructive surgery and laser tightening and I still don’t think it’ll ever be the same. Its definitely wider and no matter how many kegels I do or ben wa balls I use my muscle tone never improves.

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