My boyfriend and I have been official for 2 months but have got to know each other for 9months. Today my boyfriend screenshot me old pictures on instagram that I liked of my ex fwb and screenshots of a convo that he had with a friend of his who I don’t even know. In the screenshots my current bf was talking to his friend and his friend was telling him that this guy which is my ex fwb has been saying things like he used me when we’re together only for sex and how ugly I am and that he had to get drunk just to be with me and that I was a girl he used to bang and showed other guys pictures of me. I dumped this fwb because it went on for 3 years and he actually gave me a std (curable) the 1 time I did it without protection. After that I dumped him and wished him well. I have not spoke to that man in 9months and we are not friends on social media as a matter of fact I even changed my cell phone number. Well this got back to my current boyfriend from his friend because my ex fwb trains with the guy who is friends with my boyfriend and the guy told my current boyfriend that there is this guy saying these terrible things about me. My current boyfriend told me that my ex fwb of 3 years is talking shit about me. And it made my current boyfriend mad and told me that he wants to hash it out and tell off my ex fwb. Well my bf is 17 years older than him and 15 years older than me. I don’t want problems over stupidity. I have been loyal to my current bf even when we were only talking. I was so mad that my ex fwb is talking about me because I literally was wishing him well even though we stopped seeing each other. He did not want a girlfriend and I was tired of sleeping around so I left. He still wanted to hook up back then but I cut off all contact. I decided to confront my ex fwb to tell him to stop and of course he said he never talked about me. I know he is lying. I just left it at that because there is no point to even communicate with someone talking shit about me. I have not talked to the ex fwb since last December. I was really mad about my ex fwb talking about me at the gym. I was also mad that it got back to my current boyfriend. I am getting sick and tired of all the bs drama I just want it to all stop. I am sad that my ex fwb would slam my name like that and cause problems between my current man and I. We have gotten into a huge argument about my past and I can’t deal with it. All I want is to focus on school and be out of the drama. I don’t contact my ex fwb so what is wrong with him he really hurt my feelings. I use to care for him a lot and now I am feeling sad about the whole thing.

1 comment
  1. Stop telling your bf’s about your old fwb.

    Your bf is 15 years older than you – whatever your ages, he’s way too old to be stalking your Instagram, sending jealous screen-shots, & threatening to fight your old fwb.

    The whole idea of the fwb’s trash-talk getting back to your current bf is highly suspicious- more so since FWB denied all & your bf won’t let you talk to his “friend.” I’m guessing your bf made the whole thing up to make you hate the FWB & maybe feel a little insecure with the added bonus of making himself your avenging hero.

    I think you need to ditch your creepy bf.

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