irl friendships never work out. The small online friend circle I’ve stayed in for the past few years already seems to be the only thing that’s remained constant throughout my life. As of late I thought I finally found an irl friendship that was made to last, but now it seems to be fading away just like all the rest, and I just find myself resorting back to the computer friends once more. What’s wrong with me?

  1. Takes work. Are you asking questions and letting them talk about themselves and being interested and interesting? Are you staying in touch and taking initiative in making plans?

    Give the computer friends a rest maybe to allow yourself to get bored and pursue real world friendships as well. Join a club good luck x.

  2. For me, I love my internet friends, but there still internet friends. irl friends take a little bit more work, which can be hard if your introverted (lord knows I am), but those friendships are even more rewarding. Just try to continue to pursue irl friendships so that you don’t always have to fall back on internet friends.

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