A couple of years ago I slept with this guy who is in a relationship. It was only a one-time thing but a year later he tried to have sex with me again. But I didn’t actually sleep with him. Now when I see him \*I usually see him where he works he’s a cashier at a store\* we talk while he’s cashing me out and he’ll ask me what I’ve been up to. And I’ll ask him how he’s doing. Like he’ll tell me about how he went to a concert. Or that he went somewhere out of town. I don’t think there is anything wrong with us talking when we see each other.

Last time I saw him he told me he went somewhere and showed me something.

Once when he saw me laughing and talking to his coworker he interrupted our conversation. I still don’t know if he actually did this on purpose or not.

  1. No, there’s nothing wrong with talking or being friendly with someone you slept with, if you both want to be friendly. Just be clear about your boundaries so if/when he tries to come on to you, you’ll know how to respond.

  2. Yes, it’s fine. I have friends I have slept with, it is fine if the boundaries are clear. Don’t overthink it.

  3. I think it goes for almost all of the people that I’ve slept with, that if/when I meet them randomly around somewhere we hug and chat to catch up. Why would that be weird?

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