So everything begins a week ago when i(21f) contacted him(21m) through social media, We had a lot things in common and the conversation was going smooth till he asks me if could be his girlfriend then i began to feel highly uncomfortable texting him and no longer enjoy talking him instead it feels more like a burden.
He says I’m the person that most trust because we relate a lot of life experiences(is actually Surprising how much we relate tho) but I just don’t feel the same since he asked me to be his girlfriend.
What i should do next?
(btw our friendship is only through text and the friendship is only 1 week old)

  1. Tell him straight up that you don’t want to date him.
    It sounds like he’s putting A LOT of pressure on someone he just met, there’s no shame in backing out of situations that don’t fulfill or make you uncomfortable.

    Best of luck 💖

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